
The Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Academy recognizes Michigan Tech graduates who have distinguished themselves in their professions and made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of their discipline, the College of Engineering, Michigan Technological University, and society.

NameClass YearInduction Year
Adler, David J.19822022
Aho, Gary1969, 19681997
Aimone-Martin, Catherine19711996
Anderson, Robert1978, 19461995
Aubry, Peter19591996
Bacon, LloyalN/A1995
Bannister, Walter19471996
Barkhouse, William19761995
Been, Walfrid19281998
Beitzel, John19611996
Berdusco, Attilio19522006
Beske-Diehl, SuzanneN/A2012
Blodgett, Lee19761997
Boggs, William19482001
Brice, William19692010
Broman, William1953, 19521997
Bufe, Charles1960, 19622012
Burgher, Karl1980, 19822010
Campbell, Colin19421995
Campbell, D. Kelly1939, 19391996
Carlson, George19621997
Carlson, Gerald19742004
Christie, Ronald19681999
Diehl, JimmyN/A2012
Doser, Diane19781997
Dussing, Hilary19792004
Ehlert, George19772001
Ellsworth, Philip19502004
Farnum, Lawrence19411999
Farrell, Daniel T.19602022
Fegan, James19571996
Fitch, Harold19721999
Frantti, Gordon1954, 19532001
Gendzwill, Don1958, 19571997
Gorton, PeggyN/A2006
Gosling, Arthur19581995
Gray Jr., Latham19491997
Gray, Richard19822006
Gregg, WilliamN/A2010
Greuer, RudolphN/A2002
Guarnera, Bernard1967, 19642001
Guider, James19371998
Gunter, L.19651997
Hahn, Gregory19761997
Hahn, Leslie19762000
Hatfield, Kenneth19502004
Henderson, Patricia19772000
Hermanson, George1975, 19732007
Hermiston, Peter19611996
Herrmann-Foley, Mary A.19832022
Hird, John19611997
Immonen, Leimo19241996
Johnson, Allan1967, 19652002
Johnson, Gregory19831996
Johnson, Peter19581997
Kalliokoski, JoN/A1995
Keily, John "Jack"19592014
Keith Jr., Clyde19431998
Kemp, Ernest19411996
Klima, Frank19541999
Knight, F.19591996
Knobloch, Charles19802004
Laakso, Robert19642006
Lamb, Laurence19521997
Lane, Terre19822022
Lee, Floyd19411995
Lemke, Shannon20002014
Lindell, Karl19281995
Magoffin, James19411996
Mandarino, Joseph1951, 19502000
Maness, David19751995
Marinucci, Julie M.20022022
Mathews Sr., Abe1941, 19401996
Mathews, Albert19361996
Matiuk, Gregory19672001
Matson, Charles19491999
Matson, Robert19491998
McDowell, DougN/A2006
McGinn, George19552002
McRae, Catherine19831996
Miller, George19591998
Moberg, Norman19391997
Nelson, David19791997
Noyes, Ralph19701995
Nuttall, Jeffery1968, 19672000
Panek, Louis19411997
Pangborn, Thomas19751995
Partlo, Fay19261999
Pirolo, Dino19531998
Pullen, Leslie19421996
Quinlan, William19882008
Rebagliati, C.19692010
Reblin, Michael19682000
Richards, William19421996
Rognerud, Walter19712004
Roscoe, Harry19461999
Rose, William I.N/A2014
Rozsa, Theodore19361995
Rundle, William19371995
Saccany, Richard J.19712022
Satterley, Raymond19251997
Schwanitz, Brian J.19772022
Schwenk, Carl1962, 19652014
Smith, Richard1951, 1950, 19491996
Smits, Rebecca19861999
Stevens, Alan1970, 19702014
Stone, Todd19852022
Sturgul, John19612002
Swenson PhD PE, George19441996
Tebelman Jr., Charles1938, 19381996
Treves, Samuel19512008
Van Altena, Peter1951, 19501999
VanVoorhis, Gerald19601995
Voytovich, Thomas19742014
Wallace, Robert1949, 19491998
Wark, James1954, 19542006
Weed, Robert19421996
Westwater, James1975, 19341996
Whims, Michael19742001
Williams, George19521995
Woodruff, Frank1985, 1940, 19391996
Wunderman, Richard1988, 19832004
Young, CharlesN/A2006
Zimmer, Jean19391995
Zinn, Werner19662000