Dino H. Pirolo

- BS Mining 1953
Dino H. Pirolo received a BS degree with honors in Mining Engineering from the Michigan College of Mining and Technology in 1953. While in college, he was active in several campus organizations including Tau Beta Pi, the Newman Club, and AIME.
Dino started his career in 1953 with the Inland Steel Company. He worked as an engineer in the Ishpeming general office, and was assigned to an exploration program for the company’s Caland Ore Project in Atikokan, Ontario. Later, Dino worked as an engineer on the Menominee Range at Inland’s Sherwood, Bristol, and Cayia Mines. He transferred to the Cuyuna Range in 1956 as Senior Engineer at the Armour Mines.
In 1962, he was promoted to superintendent of the Inland Lime and Stone division in Gulliver, Michigan. Dino moved to the Inland Steel Mining Company’s general office in Virginia, Minnesota, as Manager of Engineering in 1975, and subsequently was promoted to Manager-Minorca Mine in 1979.
Dino was promoted to General Manager-Purchases and Raw Materials for the Inland Steel Company in East Chicago, Indiana in 1988. He remained in this position until he retired in 1992. Since retirement, he has worked as a mining engineering consultant.
Dino was elected county commissioner for Schoolcraft County, Michigan, and held an appointed position on the Mineral Well Advisory Board of the Michigan DNR. He served as Chairman of the Minnesota Section AIME in 1987. He has served on other civic and service organizations such as the Manistique Housing Authority, the St. Francis de Sales Parochial School Board, and the Virginia Public Utilities Commission. He is currently involved in acquiring lands for dedication as open space for the Central Arizona Land Trust.
From 1998 Induction to the Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Academy