Robotics and Mechanics

A small robot drives across a room.

From manufacturing to power systems to 3D printing, Michigan Technological University researchers are leading the path to new robotics and mechanics advances. At Michigan Tech, experts from mechanical and aerospace engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and computer science collaborate to bring groundbreaking ideas to fruition.

Major areas of research in robotics focus on manufacturing (automation of supply chains) and developing robotic technologies for implementation in a variety of industrial applications (like a robotic dynamic brake hose routing system). Our 3D printer research continues to make headlines worldwide and had solidified Michigan Tech as one of the foremost locations for mechanics and robotics research in the world.

Our robotics and mechanics researchers have access to amazing facilities and resources. Specialized lab space for internal combustion engine development, design, and manufacturing; human-robot interactions and dynamic systems work; and student-research-friendly Formula SAE and clean snowmobile research labs ensure that all levels of bright minds have access to the resources they need in order to succeed in their endeavors at Tech.

Robotics and Mechanics News