Candidate Selection Overview
Step 8: Candidate References
- HR requires 3 letters of recommendation
- If they are not provided in the application process HR will request them
- Search committee informs HR when they are ready to review recommendation letters
- Provide recommendations to the Department Chair or Dean
Step 9: Final Candidate Selection
- In PageUp, add reasons for non-selection for those not chosen for hire
- In PageUp, move candidate selected to Recommend for hire
- Appointment Request packet is sent to Human Resources
- Wait for Equal Opportunity Compliance's review and approval from Human Resources before offering position
- If the search failed to find a candidate, inform Human Resources
Enter reasons of non-selection for candidates not chosen for hire
Complete Form A: Faculty Appointment Recommendation
Send Appointment Request Packet to HR
Step 10: Offer Accepted and New Employment Paperwork
- After Provost's final approval Dean or Department Chair makes an offer to candidate
- Send all search documentation to Human Resources
- Dean or Chair of the department sends offer letter to candidate
- New employee attends new employee orientation of their first day of work to complete new employee paperwork
- Send all search documentation to Human Resources
Step 8: Candidate References
Recommendation Letters
A minimum of three recommendation letters are required and are typically requested for candidates who are interviewed in-person.
When it is time for the search committee to review recommendation letters, the search committee chair will inform Human Resources (HR). HR will move the candidates into the PageUp workflow state of "Reference check" and request the letters from reference providers, if they haven’t been provided yet. HR will then make the letters available to the search committee.
Building a reputation as a great place to work is done in many ways. When letters of recommendation are submitted for candidates, the search chair is encouraged to follow-up with the recommender and thank them for writing the letter. Here is a simple follow-up sample email:
"Hello _____, Thank you for submitting a letter of recommendation. We appreciate your time. Your letter is now available for viewing by the faculty search committee. Sincerely, _____"
If a search chair, department chair or dean is considering contacting "off-list" references for a candidate, contact HR with the request to do so.
Committee Recommends a List of Candidates
Once all interviews are complete, and references have been reviewed, discussion among committee members can occur to determine an unranked list of the acceptable candidates who will be recommended to the department chair or dean for hire. Remember to refrain from asking each committee member to prioritize the list as this can produce an anchoring or focusing effect. Let the prioritized lists form naturally as a result of discussion of each of the candidates.
Step 9: Final Candidate Selection
The committee will provide this list of several acceptable unranked candidate names to the department chair or dean who will make the final decision on the hire. Once the decision has been made by the department chair or dean, and before any offer for employment is made, the search chair or search admin must go into PageUp and update the workflow status of candidates who will not get an offer of employment. Please note, you can not negotiate items such as titles, level, flex-time, or remote work options at this stage that needed to be included in the original job description, as it fundamentally changes the position.
- Reasons for Non-Selection of Applicants Interviewed and Final Disposition Code. The search chair or search admin will move applicants in the workflow by entering the final disposition codes and reasons of non-selection for all applicants interviewed and not advancing. If you need assistance, contact HR and review the Applicant Flow Log/Disposition Code webpage. This explains the codes to use after an applicant has been interviewed and/or reached the "recommend for hire" stage.
- Move the finalist to "Recommended to Hire by Dept" in PageUp. The next step is for the search chair or search admin to notify HR with the name of the candidate(s) that are recommended for hire.
- Equal Opportunity Compliance will review codes and reasons for non-selection and move the recommended candidate(s) to "Reviewed for hire by EOC." Human Resources must give approval before a position is offered to a candidate.
Appointment Request Packet
The search admin will then prepare the Appointment Request Packet and send it to HR. This is also listed in the Faculty Hiring Checklist.
- Form A – Appointment Recommendation
- Faculty Qualifications Assurance Form (if applicable)
- Draft Appointment/Offer Letter
- Request for Start-Up (if applicable)
- Draft Start-Up Support Letter (if applicable)
- Three (3) Recommendation Letters
- CV - This can be printed from PageUp.
- Other required documents, (teaching statement, research statement, etc.) - These can also be printed from PageUp.
Provost Provides Final Approval and Employment Offer is Made
After final approvals are received from the provost, the dean or department chair will be notified that they can make an offer to the selected candidate. Only one candidate can be offered a position at a time. If negotiations fail, a statement declining the position must be received from the candidate before moving to the next acceptable candidate. A written statement is preferred but a verbal statement is acceptable. If a verbal statement is received, confirm the statement by email and document the date received and the reason for declining, if provided. Once you have an accepted offer from a candidate, an official offer of employment letter will be sent from the department chair or dean for signature confirming details of the offer (salary, start date, etc.).
The way an offer is negotiated can have lasting impacts not only on the candidate's decision but also on their career. Strive for openness and fairness when negotiating contracts. This will help the candidate feel as if they're entering an environment where they can thrive. Seek to empower all candidates to advocate on their own behalf by providing a list of things they can discuss in negotiations. Examples are provided in the resources section below.
Another important factor for early career faculty is support for career development. The Early Career Management program at Michigan Tech provides new faculty with a mentoring committee and valuable guidance for their development.
Step 10: Offer Accepted and New Employment Paperwork
Search Documentation
Send all search notes and documentation to HR and they will be kept with the hiring packet.
Offer Letter
After the offer letter has been signed, Human Resources will notify the candidates who were interviewed but not selected and will move the chosen applicant to "Offer accepted" in PageUp.
New Employee Paperwork
The new employee must complete all applicable employment forms at the new employee orientation which will be on their first day of work. Human Resources will contact the new employee with the date, time, and location the week before they begin their new position. The new employee cannot begin work until the employment paperwork is completed.
- Example Items To Discuss In Negotiations
- Salary
- Benefits
- Course Release Time
- Summer Salary
- Lab Equipment
- Lab Space
- Renovation of Lab Space
- Research Assistants
- Clerical/Administrative Support
- Travel/Discretionary Funds
- Moving Expenses
- Michigan Tech Early Career Management