- Department Chair, Chemistry
- Professor, Chemistry
- aata@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2048
- Chem Sci 607
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
- lanrong@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1868
- Chem Sci 620A
Links Of Interest
Research Interests
- Chemical biology: development of novel molecular probes for DNA sequencing analysis and disease gene discovery
- Medicinal chemistry: development of new imaging and therapeutic agents towards cancer and cardiovascular disease; Design and synthesis of novel prodrugs of peptides and peptide mimetics.
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- pcharles@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2702
- Chem Sci 708A
Research Interests
- Chemical education
- Technology-supported learning
- Online and Blended Classrooms
- Flipped Classrooms
- Spatial Ability
- Professor of Chemistry
- christov@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3233
- Chem Sci 312C
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms and Dynamics
- Non-Heme Iron Histone Demethylases
- Multiscale Modeling of Epigenetic Mechanisms
- Professor, Chemistry
- Director, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) Program
- tkdam@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2940
- Chem Sci 510C
Research Interests
- Molecular basis of glycan (carbohydrate)-mediated biological functions
- Glycan binding proteins or lectins
- Glycan detection
- Mechanistic glycobiology
- Macromolecular communication
- Biomolecular thermodynamics
- Professor, Chemistry
- shifang@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2023
- Chem Sci 620C
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Organic Synthesis
- Nucleic Acid and Peptide Chemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Mechanochemistry
- Epigenetics and Chemical Biology
- Antisense Drug

Andrew Galerneau
- Associate Teaching Professor, Chemistry
- Laboratory Supervisor
- ajgalern@mtu.edu
- 906-281-7725
- Chem Sci 601B
- Professor Emerita, Chemistry
- sgreen@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2048
- Chemical Sciences 607
Research Interests
- Climate change communication
- Science-policy interface
- Youth engagement in climate policy
- Response of aquatic systems to climate change
- Great Lakes
- Fluorescence-based analytical methods
- Aerosol chemistry
- Origin and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in terrestrial, lake, and marine environments
- Methods for detection of free radicals, photochemical transformations of natural and anthropogenic organic compounds in the environment
- Integration of biological, geological, physical, and chemical data for understanding global cycles.

Katherine Heckman
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Chemistry
- kaheckman@fs.fed.us
- 906-482-6303
- USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Heckman currently acts as administrator and coordinator for the Radiocarbon Collaborative, a program designed to increase earth system researcher access to radiocarbon analysis. Heckman works with academic and government researchers to integrate radiocarbon analysis into their climate change and carbon cycle research, and also offers assistance with data interpretation and manuscript preparation. Work supported by the Radiocarbon Collaborative ranges from wildlife conservation to terrestrial C cycle research.
- Professor, Chemistry
- paheiden@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3452
- Chem Sci 415
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Synthesizing, processing, and characterizing polymers and composites or nanoparticles
- Stimulus-response nanoparticles for drug delivery
- Electrospinning of nanofibers for tissue scaffolds
- Structured nanoparticles for low-leaching wood preservation
- Biocomposites and biofibers
- Studies of controlled nanoscale interfaces of rice-hull reinforced composites
- Engineered wood- or biopolymer-reinforced composites having improved processing, longevity, moisture resistance, and mechanical properties

Will Mathew Jantzi
- Office Assistant
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- tatyanak@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3512
- Chem Sci 312B
Research Interests
- Computational Chemistry
- Computational Studies of Dynamics and Reaction Mechanisms of Metalloenzymes
- Collagenolysis and Matrix Metalloproteinases
- Non-heme Iron DNA-modifying Enzymes

Susan Liebau
- Director, Chemistry Learning Center
- Chemistry Undergraduate Academic Advisor
- slliebau@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2297
- Chem Sci 206A
- Professor, Chemistry
- hyliu@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3451
- Chem Sci 402E
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Synthesis, characterization, biomedical sensing, imaging and therapeutic applications of water-soluble conjugated glycopolymers, glycodendrimers, glyconanoparticles, conjugated polyelectrolytes, small redox-active carbohydrate conjugates, and near-infrared fluorescent probes

Shushu Liu
- Lab Manager
- Dave House Dean of Computing
- Professor, Applied Computing
- Affiliated Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Chemistry
- dlivesay@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2316
- Rekhi Hall 221
Research Expertise
- Computational Biophysics
- Bioinformatics
- Protein Dynamics
- Protein Engineering
- Data Science
Academic Interests
- Innovation in Computing and Technology Education
- Broadening Participation in STEM
- Enrollment Management
- Research Administration
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- rluck@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2309
- Cell: 906-370-7405
- Chem Sci 701B
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Low-valent molybdenum complexes capable of activating dinitrogen
- Synthesis and characterization of heteronuclear quadruply bonded metal-metal complexes
- Molecular dihydrogen compounds
- Catalytic applications of metal-oxo/peroxo systems in the area of epoxidation of olefins
- Construction of metallo-framework cluster materials
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- lrmazzol@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1853
- Chem Sci 402D
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Understanding the identities, occurrence, and transformation of aerosol organic compounds
- Identifying organic aerosol constituents from a variety of atmospheric environments
- Exploration of new LC column chemistries with ultrahigh pressure pumps for fast and thorough separations
- Aqueous reaction pathways

Shannon Meller
- Department Coordinator
- smmeller@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3456
- Chem Sci 607D
- Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Physics
- dminakat@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1830
- Dow 801
Links of Interest
Teaching Interests
- Physical-Chemical Treatment Processes
- Environmental Process and Design
- Computational Environmental Engineering and Chemistry
Research Interests
- Sustainable water and wastewater treatment and management
- Development of assessing and predicting tools for water treatment technologies
- Innovative water and wastewater treatment technologies for energy saving and harvesting
- Systematic and integrated understanding of water and wastewater reuse
- Application of computational chemistry and molecular modeling
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Affiliated Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- kaperrin@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3214
- Chem Sci 402C
Links of Interest
- Perrine Research Group
- Positions are open for undergraduate, masters, and PhD students.
- Google Scholar Publications
Research Interests
- Surface chemistry and interfacial science
- Bridging reactions at the gas/solid and liquid/solid interfaces under model (ultra-high vacuum) and real (near ambient pressure) conditions
- Growth, properties, and reactions on complex surfaces for energy and environmental applications
- Designing metal and oxide architectures and nanostructured materials using tailored bottom-up approaches; growth techniques including, atomic layer deposition, physical vapor deposition, self-assembly, solution nucleation

Dean W. Seppala
- Research Associate
- dwseppal@mtu.edu
- 906-370-7404
- Chem Sci S002

ManishKumar B. Shrivastava
- Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Adjunct Professor, Chemistry, Michigan Technological University
- ManishKumar.Shrivastava@pnnl.gov
- Cell: 408-203-5311
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Secondary Organic Aerosols
- Regional and Global Earth Systems Modeling
- Climate and Health impacts
- Environmental Sciences
- Lab Manager, Chemical Advanced Resolution Methods (ChARM) Lab
- Research Associate, Chemistry
- zhimins@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1469
- 115 GLRC
Links of Interest
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- Graduate Program Director
- mtanasov@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1163
- Chem Sci 620B
Links of Interest
- Positions are open for undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. students and Postdocs
Research Interests
- Synthesis of molecular probes for evaluating substrate selection by carbohydrate transporters
- Development of platforms for tumor imaging and drug delivery
- Design and synthesis of bioreductively-activated DNA repair inhibitors
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- thompson@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3522
- Chem Sci 510B
Links of Interest
Research Interests
- Understanding the molecular recognition features and assembly mechanisms of gene regulation
- Associate Dean for Graduate Research and Education, College of Sciences and Arts
- Faculty Fellow (Research Integrity), Office of the Vice President for Research
- Professor, Chemistry
- tiwari@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1840
- Chem Sci 402B
Research Interests
- Identify experimental conditions that can generate diverse aggregated protein structures from the same proteins.
- Develop novel tools and techniques to differentiate amongst the varied aggregated species of proteins.
- Understand the relationship between aggregated protein species and its associated cellular toxicity.

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
—"Walden" - H.D. Thoreau
—"Walden" - H.D. Thoreau
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- lvalenza@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1602
- Chem Sci 701A
Links of Interest
Reviewer for:
- ACS: JACS, J Phys Chem Lett, J Phys Chem A/C, Inor Chem
- RSC: J Mat Chem A/B/C, Dalton Trans, CrystEngComm, PCCP, New J Chem
- Elsevier: Chem Phys Lett, J Solid State Chem, Appl Surf Science, Comp Mat Science, Physica B: Cond Matt
- Springer: J Porous Mat
- AIP: J Chem Phys
- MDPI: Materials
Research Interests
- Computational characterization of molecules and materials: energetic materials, nanoporous materials, cementing materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, crystal growth, nucleation, surfaces, effect of defects on the structures and properties of materials, effect of water/solvents on material evolution and degradation, biomolecules