Alcohol Policy for Registered Student Organizations

The possession, sale, use, or consumption of alcoholic beverages, while on University or organizational premises, during an organizational event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by any Registered Student Organization, or in any event an observer would associate with the organization, must be in compliance with any and all applicable policies and laws of the state, county, city, and University.(Organizational premises include but are not limited to any property or premises owned by, leased to, or in the permanent or temporary control of or management by a registered student organization.)

RSOs that intend to have alcohol served on-campus or at any University-sponsored event must submit a risk management plan to Student Leadership and Involvement 30 days prior to the event. This plan is subject to review and approval by Student Leadership and Involvement, Dining Services, the Facility Manager, Risk Management, and Public Safety and Police Services. All RSOs sponsoring or co-sponsoring the event must abide by the provisions of this policy.

Alcoholic beverages may not be purchased with organizational funds, University general fund monies, or any Student Activity Fee funding, nor may purchases for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of, or on behalf of, the organization.

No RSO shall sponsor or co-sponsor any activity or function that permits unrestricted and/or public access to alcohol beverages. Common sources of alcoholic beverages (over one gallon), as well as any type of keg containing an alcoholic beverage, are not permitted on organizational premises or during an organizational event.

Any type of drinking game, challenge, competition, performance, or contest that involves or utilizes alcohol, on organization premises or during an organizational event is strictly prohibited.

No RSO may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or tavern where alcohol is given away, sold, or provided to those present. (A tavern is defined as an establishment generating more than half of its annual gross sales from alcohol.) This includes any event held in, at, or on the property of a tavern for the purposes of fundraising. An RSO may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for an event held within the provisions of this policy.

  • Alcohol may not be provided, sold, available, or possessed by any person in the same room or immediate area that the RSO is renting or using.
  • RSOs may not profit financially in any way from the event.
  • RSOs may not facilitate or assist in the sale of alcohol or the operation of the tavern in any way. This includes but is not limited to bartending, verifying identification of members/guests, and/or having members act as security for the facility.

Because the University recognizes that the use of alcohol at recruitment functions goes against the best interest of the recruiting organization and the potential new members, alcohol cannot be used in or during recruitment functions by any RSO, nor can it be present at any pre or post organizational or events parties regardless of whether they are “official” functions.

The possession, sale, or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances while on organizational premises or during an organization event is strictly prohibited.

For the complete University Policy on Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Students and Student Organizations, please review University Policy 2.7001.

For more specific information, such as related policies, disciplinary actions for alcohol and other drug violations, parental notification information, and prevention and assistance resources, see the Notification to Students Regarding University Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.