Applications remain in the Graduate School until all required materials are received.
Completed applications are forwarded to the Computer Science Department for review by the Graduate Studies Committee.
Applicants chosen for acceptance are sent letters of acceptance. All applications will be reviewed for Graduate Assistantships and successful candidates will be notified by the Computer Science Department and the Graduate School.
International applicants are sent a "Certification of Finances" form. This form must be submitted to the Graduate School with proof of financial resources.
After the Certification form is received, international applicants will be sent I-20 forms, and information about traveling to and living in Houghton.
Accepted students are asked to send written confirmation of acceptance or rejection of the offer by a deadline specified in the offer letter.
Orientation schedules are mailed to prospective new students during the summer.
Orientation and course registration start one week before classes begin.
The Language Assessment will be given to international students during orientation. The Computer Science Department requires all international students to take the exam.