- Associate Professor, Anthropology
- On leave 2024-25, Program Director, NSF, DGE
Research Interests
- Extractive zones
- STEMM Higher ED
- Associate Professor, Environmental/Energy Justice
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental & rural sociology
- Community-based and participatory research
- Social movements and social change
- Gender & ecofeminism
- Agrifood systems
- Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Public Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Policy Process
- Advocacy Coalition Framework
- Rural-Urban Conflict
- Food, Agriculture, and Agricultural Policy
- Emotions in Policymaking
- Assistant Teaching Professor
- Coordinator of Student Programs
- Policy and Community Development Program Advisor
Research Interests
- National Identity
- Migration and Diaspora
- Sociolinguistics
- Memorial Landscapes
- Geographies of Sport
Regional Focus
- The Hispanic World
- Spain
- Argentina
- Teaching Professor, Social Sciences Undergraduate Studies Director
- Peace Corps Prep Program Director
- Sustainability Science and Society Program Advisor
Areas of Expertise
- International/transnational development
- Faith-based development
- Gender
- Human rights
- Global service learning
- African studies (Niger)
- Disaster risk reduction and vulnerability
- Professor of Geography and GIS
- Graduate Director
- Director, Geospatial Research Facility
Research Interests
- Environmental Change and Life Course Epidemiology
- Urban Environments and Population Health
- Public Participatory GIS
- Historical GIS & Deep Mapping
- Spatial Humanities
- Deindustrialization and Shrinking Cities
- Time-Space Integration and Modeling in GIS
- Demography and Historical Record Linkage
- Sense of Place and Neighborhood Construction
- Distinguished Professor Emerita
Areas of Interest
- Toxics, forested watersheds, and northern lakes
- Environmental history
- Watershed change and water quality
- Mining history
- Associate Teaching Professor
- Social Sciences Program Advisor
- University Ombuds
Areas of Interest
- Resource Economics
- Cyberlaw
- Intellectual Property
- Constitutional Law
- Orientation to Legal Careers
- American Government

"Every artist, every scientist, must decide NOW where they stand. They have no alternative. There is no standing above the conflict on Olympian heights. There are no impartial observers. Through the destruction-in certain countries-of the greatest of human literary heritages, through the propagation of false ideas of racial and national superiority, the artist, the scientist, the writer is challenged. The struggle invades the formerly cloistered halls of our universities and other seats of learning. The battlefront is everywhere. There is no sheltered rear. The artist must take sides. They must elect to fight for freedom or slavery. I have made my choice. I had no alternative."
—Paul Robeson, 1958, Here I Stand
—Paul Robeson, 1958, Here I Stand
- Assistant Professor of Geography
- marhodes@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2459
- Schedule an Appointment

Research Interests
- Post-Industrial Geographies & Heritage
- National Identity in the 21st Century
- Cultural Sustainability and Sustainable Tourism
- Political Ecology, Place, & Memory
- Critical Geographies & Memorial Landscapes
Areas of Expertise
- Memory and Memorialization
- Heritage Institutions
- Cultural Landscape
- Welsh Studies
- Historical Geography
- Cultural Geographies
- Associate Professor of History
Areas of Expertise
- Commodity history
- Global economic and business history
- History of colonialism
- Food history
- Associate Teaching Professor
- Anthropology and History Program Advisor
- Interim Chair, Social Sciences
- Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Research Interests
- Interdisciplinary studies
- Social simulation (agent-based modeling)
- Policy analysis
- International relations
- Sustainability assessment
- Complex adaptive systems
- Norm evolution and social influence
- STEM education evaluation
- Research design and methods
- Associate Professor of History
Research Interests
- Spatial, material, and experiential aspects of social power in industrial communities
- Historical GIS for Community-Engaged Scholarship
- American Vernacular Architecture and Material Culture Studies
- Public History, Historic Preservation, and Museums
- History of Design, Craft, and Production in the United States
- Cultural Landscapes and Historic Architecture of the Keweenaw

"Whereas innovation, in the backwards reading of creativity, lies outside of time, improvisation, in a forward reading, is inherently temporal."
—Elizabeth Hallam and Tim Ingold (2007) Creativity and Cultural Improvisation. Berg, New York.
—Elizabeth Hallam and Tim Ingold (2007) Creativity and Cultural Improvisation. Berg, New York.
- Associate Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology
Links of Interest
- Industrial Archaeology Graduate Program
- Society for Historical Archaeology
- Society for Industrial Archaeology
- The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage
- Historical Archaeology Group on LinkedIn
- Register of Professional Archaeologists
- Academia.edu
- ResearchGate
- Google Scholar
- Digital Commons
Research Interests
- Historical and Industrial Archaeologies
- Heritage and Energy Systems, Sustainability and Development
- Creativity and Work Process
- Remote Sensing, Survey, and Geospatial Sciences
- Heritage, Placemaking, and Culture Building
- Archaeometry and Conservation Sciences
- Community-based scholarship, public science/humanities
- Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences
- Affiliated Professor, College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science
- Director of Research, Center for Innovation in Sustainability & Resilience
Research Interests
- Socio-technological systam transitions
- Technology adoption
- Energy policy
- Energy practices
- Sustainable communities
- Self-provisioning
- Environmental education
- Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Health
Research Interests
Natural hazards and disasters
Environmental planning and response
Sustainability and mental health
Socio-environmental complexity
- Environmental regulation
Areas of Expertise
Environmental sociology
Urban sustainability
Qualitative and mixed methods
Planning for complexity
- Associate Professor, Energy Policy
Research Interests
- Sustainable Energy Systems
- Energy Security and Justice
- Risk Governance of the Energy Sector
- Arctic Energy Development
- Russian Energy Policy
- U.S. Energy Policy
Areas of Expertise
- Energy and Environmental Policy
- Comparative and International Energy Law
- U.S. Energy Law
- U.S. Environmental Law
- Russian Energy and Environmental Law
- Energy Geopolitics

"All this information, this material, must be taken up and reconsidered in the light of man himself, and one must try if possible, to rediscover, beyond all the details, life itself... Everything must be recaptured and relocated in the general framework of history, so that...we may respect the unity of history which is also the unity of life."
—Fernand Braudel, On History, 1980.
—Fernand Braudel, On History, 1980.
- Associate Professor of Anthropology & Archaeology
Research Interests
- Historical and Industrial Archaeology
- Social, Economic, and Political Dimensions of Haciendas, Plantations, and Industrial Communities in the American West, Latin America, and the Caribbean
- Issues Related to Colonialism, World-Systems Analysis, post-Colonialism, and Globalization
- Relevance of Archaeology and Heritage to Identity Formation and Contemporary Social Systems

"I find it astonishing that any man can regard fine machinery without admiration."
—John William Stone (in Stones Fall, by Iain Pears)
—John William Stone (in Stones Fall, by Iain Pears)
- Associate Professor of History
Links of Interest
Comprehensive Fields
History of Technology
History of Museums
Industrial History
Areas of Expertise
- history of technology
- history of science
- artillery, fortification, ordnance
- history of engineering
- military history
- Early Modern European history

"Academics are the only people I can think of for whom this sentence makes sense: 'I'm hoping to get some time off so that I can get some work done.'"
—Sidney Verba
—Sidney Verba
- Professor of Public Policy, Social Sciences
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- Policy advisory systems
- Governance and political mechanisms
- Survey research
- Policy process frameworks
Areas of Interest
- Canadian Energy and Environmental Issues
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Oil Sands Development
- Forest Policy
- Canadian Studies
- Policy Innovation Labs
- Policy Design
- Professor of Sociology and Demography, Social Sciences
- rwinkler@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1886
- (On Academic Leave Fall '24, Spring '25)
Areas of Expertise
- Rural Sociology
- Population and Environment
- Environmental Sociology
- Community Engaged Scholarship
- Internal Migration
- GIS and spatial analysis
- Professor of Archaeology
Research Interests
- Historical and Industrial Archaeology
- Archaeology of Capitalism
- Class and Inequality
- Marxist Theory
- Historic Preservation and Cultural Resource Management
Adjunct and Affiliated Faculty

John Arnold
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
- PhD, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology - 2017
- PhD, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, Michigan Technological University
- MS, Historic Preservation, University of Oregon
- MArch, Architecture, University of Oregon
- BS, Biology, University of Oregon
Research Interests
- Historical GIS
- Post-Industrial Landscapes
- 3D Digital Modeling
- Architecture & Design of the Human Environment
- Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, CEGE and Social Sciences
- Faculty Advisor, Green Campus Enterprise
- rhandler@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3612
- H-STEM 235

- ENG 4515/5515 Introduction to Sustainability and Resilience
- ENG 4525/5525 Systems Analysis for Sustainability and Resilience
- CM 3980 Sustainable Chemical Engineering
- Green Campus Enterprise
Research Interests
- Life-cycle assessment
- Sustainability and resilience
- Food, Energy, and Water systems
- Sustainable materials and manufacturing
- Ecosystem services
- Aquaponics and hydroponics
- Adjunct Instructor, Social Sciences
Research Interests
- Expanding the Benefits of Globalization and Addressing its Deleterious Effects
- Facilitating Inclusive Economic Growth and Development
- Empowering Agents of Positive Change and Innovation
- Energy Independence
- Resolving Intractable Problems and Conflict
Areas of Professional Expertise
- International Relations
- Foreign Policy
- National Security Strategy
- International Economic Policy
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- Instructor, Social Sciences
- Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Endowed Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology
- Affiliated Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
- kbkamm@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1039
- H-STEM 135, Lab Chem Sci 111

Research Interests
- Rural health
- Maternal and child health
- Breastfeeding
- Care-seeking behaviors
- Hand hygiene
- Social determinants of health

Carolin Sjöholm
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
- PhD, Economics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- MS, Economics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- BS, Economics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Areas of Expertise
- Policy Evaluation
- Development Economics
- Applied Microeconomics
- Health Economics

Christoph Stefes
- Visiting Professor
Research Interests
Comparative Politics & Public Policy
European and Post-Soviet States
European Union/Integration
Environmental, Climate Change, and Energy Politics & Policies
Political Regimes & Regime Transitions
Clientelism & Political Corruption

Daniel Trepal
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
- Senior Geospatial Research Scientist
- PhD, Industrial Heritage and Archaeology, Michigan Technological University
- MS, Industrial Archaeology, Michigan Technological University
- BS, Anthropology and History, Cleveland State University
Research Interests
- Industrial and Urban Archaeology
- Historical GIS
- Deindustrialization
- Industrial Landscapes
- The Archaeology of Brownfields
- Spatial Analysis of Historical Industrial Pollutants
- Big Data Approaches to Archaeology
- Publicly-engaged Scholarship

Melody Whitley
- Adjunct Instructor, Social Sciences
Research Interests
- Food, Water, and Energy Nexus
- Cultural Sociology and Social Stratification
- Sociology in Education
- Research Design and Methodology
- Poverty-Relationed Factors Contributing to Crime
- Reducing Rates of Recivisim
- Globalization Opportunites and Challenges

Leeann Youn
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
Ph.D. Political Science, University of Kansas
M.A. Asian Studies - Japanese Studies, University of Michigan
M.A. Political Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
B.A. Political Science, SungShin Women's University, Seoul, Korea
Areas of Expertise
Comparative Politics and Policies
International Relations
Political Methods
Asian Politics
American Politics
Research Interests
- Policy and Public Opinion
- Party, Election, Campaign, and Representation
- Artificial Intelligence and Democracy
- Political Economy and Development
- Terrorism and Human Trafficking
- Mixed Methods in Social Sciences