Non-Union Staff

The following topics relate to non-union staff positions at Michigan Tech.

Performance Management Process

An annual employee Performance Management process is currently being introduced to non-union staff.  It provides a formal assessment of employee performance and is intended to help employees understand their roles and expectations, continue to grow, learn, and develop, and support the continuous improvement of Michigan Tech.  Read more on the Performance Management page.

University Competencies

A competency model was developed to assist and guide employees at all levels and functions at the University in understanding the competencies required for the success in their position.  The University Competency Model is utilized in conjunction with the Performance Management Process. 

Religious Accommodation Procedure for Employees

Michigan Tech may provide a reasonable accommodation based on a person’s sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance. This accommodation request cannot result in undue hardship on the University. In determining whether an undue hardship exists, factors such as the cost to the University and the impact on the rights of other employees would be considered.

An employee who would like to request a reasonable religious accommodation should fill out this Religious Accommodation Request form. The employee will be contacted regarding their request within three business days. 

The use of vacation and personal leave is governed by University policies. Vacation days requested for the express purpose of religious observance will not be unreasonably denied if the employee has accrued vacation leave or is eligible for personal leave, and the granting of leave or vacation time will not result in undue hardship for Michigan Tech. Nothing in this procedure exempts a Michigan Tech faculty or staff member from the requirement to fulfill their job responsibilities.