Applied Ecology—MS

Humans have impacted huge amounts of our planet. Applied ecology examines and addresses the ecological challenges, and solutions. We trace, analyze, and calibrate. We seek solutions to restore—and sustain—world biomes. Beyond the temperate, deciduous forested systems that surround us in the Lake Superior region, we explore the interactions of climate, plant functional groups, and carbon cycling in peatlands.

Students in our master's of applied ecology program, study glacial retreat, wetland and lakeshore vegetation—and employ networks of forest, rural, and urban landscapes around the globe as laboratories for integrative research. They model nitrous oxide, track carbon cycling, and dig deep to understand and mitigate critical climate-changing interactions between communities and their landscapes.

General Requirements

For specific requirements of this graduate program please see the CFRES Graduate Handbook | Printable.

What Will I Learn?

  • Gain advanced understanding of natural and human-dominated ecosystems.
  • Be proficient with the tools used for the resolution of contemporary environmental problems.
  • Tap into the wide breadth of expertise within our small, friendly academic community. Get to know us, and find who you want to work with.
  • 6,500 feet of lab space, 2,000 of greenhouse, 5,397 acres of research forest.
  • Research degrees are non-specific, and we intentionally set a low number of required classes, unless your committee requires them.
  • Explore your interests with your committee and your advisor to define the optimal educational experience.
"Following a warming experiment called SMART,our ecologists contributed to two major meta-analyses on the impact of a warming climate on soil carbon storage and release."Allison Mills, Michigan Tech News

Funding Opportunities

  • We work diligently to continuously acquire research funding—and we are successful. Our research expenditures total more than $300,000 per faculty member, the highest external funding level of any academic unit at Michigan Tech.
  • Research the researchers. Match your area of interest with a faculty member, and contact them directly—your best chance to be matched with an assistantship and research project.
  • Check our open research positions often, where you will also find a listing of fellowships, jobs, and other funding opportunities.