Senior Design Projects

In their final year, Bachelor of Science in CS majors complete either a Senior Design Project or an Enterprise project. Many of these projects are presented by students at Design Expo, an annual competition that highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. During the event, more than a thousand students in Enterprise and on Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. Below is a 2022 CS Design Expo project.

Project Athena

Project Athena

Team members: Fiona Chow, Rylee Gorman, Macy Pawielski, Chris Arbuckle, and Brendon Cook, Management Information Systems; Jessica Brown, Computer Science

Advisor: Jeffrey Wall, College of Business and Economics

Sponsor: Needlestack

Project Description: The goal of this project is to help with the creation of a learning management system (LMS). Our team is split into two subteams–research and technical. The research subteam's main tasks are market and user research through customer discovery methods such as conducting interviews with various end users. The technical subteam is using Adobe XD to design an automated grading pipeline. The subteams will come together to perform usability testing on the prototype design and collect user feedback to share with the client.