Faculty Listing

  • Professor and Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Courses Taught

  • Electronics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Microfluidic Biochip Laboratory
  • Chemical and Biological Sensors
  • Integrated Circuit Engineering
  • Integrated Sensors and Actuators
  • BioMEMS

Areas of Interest

  • BioMEMS, microfluidic devices and systems, and biomedical microdevices
  • Sensors and sensor systems
  • Bioelectronic and healthcare sensors and devices
  • Flexible and printed electronics and sensors
  • Healthcare sensors and devices
  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Affiliated Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  • Affiliated Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Links of Interest

Courses Taught

  • EE 4271 VLSI Design

Areas of Interest

  • Neuromorphic Engineering/Computing
  • Energy-efficient Neuromorphic Electronic Circuit Design for Artificial Intelligence
  • Emerging Nanoscale Device Design
  • Spiking Neural Networks
  • Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Image processing
  • Undergraduate EE labs
  • Counter-terrorism
  • Electronic warfare
  • Information operations
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Affiliated Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Micro-electromechanical systems
  • Micromachining materials and process technologies
  • Inertial pressure
  • Nanoscaled technologies enabling nanoelectronic devices
  • Technologies for the monolithic integration of sensors and actuators with electronics
  • Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Electric power systems analysis
  • Utility applications of power electronics (HVDC, SVC, FACTS)
  • Power system dynamics
  • Power system transients
  • Renewable energy generation and integration in power systems
  • Student retention and success
  • Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Faculty Advisor, Robotic Systems Enterprise

Links of Interest

Areas of Interest

  • Atmospheric optics
  • Statistical optics
  • Quantum optics
  • Image and Signal Processing
  • Autonomous vehicles and vehicular networks
  • Industrial automation and controls
  • Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Expertise

  • Mechatronics and embedded systems
  • Agent Technology
  • Monitoring and control networks
  • Hybrid electric vehicles
  • Smart grid

Research Interests

  • Modeling and control of hybrid electric vehicles
  • EV-smart grid integration
  • Distributed monitoring and control
  • Battery control for HEV and energy storage systems
  • IC engine management systems
  • Sensor information fusion
  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Links of Interest

Areas of Interest

  • Legged Locomotion 
  • Applied Control
  • Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Collaborative Robots
  • Learning-based Control
  • Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Faculty Advisor, Wireless Communication Enterprise

Areas of Interest

  • Parallel computing and UPC
  • Engineering education
  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Smart Grid
  • Integration of Renewable Energy Systems
  • Power System Protection, Control, and Monitoring
  • Power Quality
  • Power Systems and Power Electronics
  • AC/DC Microgrids
  • High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Electric Power Transmission Systems
  • Application of Signal Processing in Power Systems
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning, in Power Systems
Fengying Dang

Fengying Dang

  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests

  • Robotics Sensing and Perception
    • Data-Driven Modeling
    • Perception in Complex Environment
  • Robotics and Control
    • Learning-based Control
    • Environmental Info Aided Control
  • Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Metamaterials, metasurfaces, photonic crystals, plasmonics
  • Quantum optics
  • Quantum computing, communications, and cryptography
  • Optical imaging
  • Magneto-optics
  • Photovoltaics
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Power Electronics Systems
  • Electric Drives and Machinery
  • Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Systems
  • Microgrids
  • Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Faculty Advisor, Automotive Computing Enterprise
  • Co-Coordinator, Hybrid Electric Vehicle Enterprise

Areas of Interest

  • Power
  • Energy
  • Factory automation
  • Robotics
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Affiliated Professor, Physics

Areas of Interest

  • Integrated optical devices
  • Electronic substrate manufacturing and design
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Smart Grid
  • Power system protection
  • Computer simulation
  • Transients in electrical power systems
  • Nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory
  • Magnetic materials and saturation of transformers
  • Power quality
  • Renewable energy, wind energy, solar energy
  • Photovoltaics
  • Assistant Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Faculty Advisor, Open Source Hardware Enterprise
  • Director, The Alley MakerSpace

Areas of Interest

  • Open Source Hardware
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Digital Design
  • Robotics Design
  • Engineering Education
  • Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Professional Activities

  • IEEE Region#4 Section#27 Chair
  • IEEE Student Chapter Advisor
  • ABET Evaluator

Areas of Interest

  • Vehicular Communications: inter-vehicle (VANETs, V2X) and intra-vehicle (CAN, Automotive Ethernet, LIN, FlexRay, MOST)
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Communication Networks and Systems
  • Wireless Communications
  • Network Security
  • Signal Processing
  • Associate Teaching Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Senior Design Coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Machine Learning
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Data Fusion
  • Electronic Design
  • University Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Areas of Interest

  • Statistical signal processing
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Affiliated Professor, Physics

Areas of Interest

  • Resonance phenomena in complex media: metasurfaces, metamaterials, and photonic crystals
  • Computational electromagnetic analysis
  • Electromagnetic cloaking
  • High-contrast materials integration for electronic and photonic systems
  • Materials and device characterization at microwaves
  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Links of Interest

Courses Taught

  • Electrical Energy Systems
  • Power System Optimization
  • Distributed Energy Resources

Areas of Interest

  • Power Systems
  • Distributed Energy Resources
  • Optimization
  • Interconnected Critical Infrastructure Systems
  • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Affiliated Professor, Applied Computing
  • PSERC Site Director and ICC CPS Center Director

Links of Interest

Teaching Interests

  • Circuit/graph theory
  • Steady-state and dynamics of bulk power systems
  • Cyber-informed security engineering

Areas of Research Interest

Discipline: Power systems engineering

  • Power grid cybersecurity
  • Smart home and robotic technologies
  • Attack/defense combinatorics
  • Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Courses Taught

  • EE 4173, Comp Sys Engineering & Perform
  • EE 4272, Computer Networks

Research Interests

  • Network Security
  • Hardware Security
  • Cyber-Physical System Security
  • Deep Learning