
ECE Academy

Trygve Ivesdal

Trygve Ivesdal '56

Trygve Ivesdal joined Raytheon Company in Wayland, Massachusetts, as an electronic design engineer. With the beginning of the microelectronics era, he moved to Raytheon’s Semiconductor Division in Mountain View, California. In 1966, he moved to Melbourne, Florida, and was part of the start-up of what today is known as Harris Semiconductor. In 1969, Trygve and three associates formed Microsystems, Florida’s . . .


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Alumni Focus

Kenneth Murray

Kenneth Murray


After receiving his BSEE degree in 1978, Ken began his working career in technical sales for Hewlett Packard in Minneapolis. Over the next ten years, Ken held a variety of sales and management positions with HP. In 1989, he moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to lead HP’s technical sales group in that area. He subsequently was promoted to Global Account Manager, where he led the establishment of the largest global . . .

Alumni Focus

Dennis Euers

Dennis Euers


Mr. Euers was Captain of the varsity football team and President of Kappa Delta Psi Fraternity while a student at Michigan Tech. Dennis began his career with Johnson Controls, rising through the ranks to become Vice President and General Manager for Systems Operations of Process Automation Systems and Services of Johnson Yokogawa Corporation in Newnan, Georgia in 1990. Since 1993, Dennis has been the Vice President . . .

Alumni Focus

Thomas Simonen

Thomas Simonen


Following graduation Tom Simonen went on to receive a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. After appointments at Hughes Aircraft, Max Planck Institute in Munich, and Princeton University, he joined the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for 18 years as a physicist and became program leader for magnetic fusion experiments. For the past 12 years he has been Director of the DIII-D National Fusion . . .

Watch Alumni Spotlight - Kyle Ludwig video
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Alumni Spotlight - Kyle Ludwig

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