Postdoctoral Guidelines

Postdoctoral research fellowships are a valuable extension of a person's doctoral work and are generally recognized as a sign of achievement. For the purpose of employment at most prestigious universities, the postdoctoral fellowship experience is regarded as a highly desirable asset. Postdoctoral fellowships have several unique features which set them apart from other types of employment. 


Minimum-12 months at 100% effort.
Maximum-3 years (renewable). 
Total appointment period cannot exceed a total of 6 years. Exceptions granted by Provost.


At the end of each year.


Request for position is sent for compliance review to Human Resources, and then forwarded to the Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs for approval. Once approved, Human Resources will process the information. The request should contain a position authorization form, draft offer letter [sample offer letter] and mentoring plan. [sample mentoring plans] Hiring procedures are further described on our web page.


Commensurate with appointment (contact the Benefits Office or your employment representative if necessary). 

Salary Range

$47,500 - $60,000 annually. Note: The annual minimum must exceed $913 per week.

Requests for salary above $60,000 must be forwarded in writing to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School. There will be no exceptions to the minimum salary.


Required Training: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is required during first or second academic semester. Employee Safety Overview is required immediately following start date.


Doctoral degree must have been earned within 72 months prior to beginning of appointment. Exceptions may be granted for extenuating circumstances. Contact Dr. Debra Charlesworth for assistance.



  • Added resources, sample offer letter, and link back to hiring procedure in the Procedures section, October 04 2022.
  • Clarified that exceptions to the degree attainment date may be considered, June 17 2022.
  • Advertising requirements changed per Provost, fall 2021.
  • Approved by the Provost, Dr. Jacqueline E. Huntoon, July 1, 2016.