Course Review Rubric

The Quality Matters Rubric that will be used for online course reviews

(fully annotated version)

QM Continuous Improvement Diagram

The Quality Matters course review process is an iterative, collegial process of faculty-to-faculty driven continuous improvement. Faculty members review each others' online courses and work together to continually improve. The Quality Matters rubric is the worlds most widely recognized and used standard for measuring and ensuring the quality of online courses. Michigan Tech has been Quality Matters members since 2015. The PDF version of the rubric available here with a Michigan Tech log in should in no way be made public or distributed to those outside of Michigan Tech. As members we have a right to use it and share it with each other but it cannot be shared or made available to those outside of Michigan Tech. We have posted it here as a quick and convenient way for those who wish to see what the standards are and what rubric will be used to assess the quality of Michigan Tech's online courses. An overall score of met 85% of the specific review standards is required, otherwise improvements must be made until the course can meet 85% of the specific review standards. Also, all the three point specific review standards are considered essential and must be met.

When actually conducting a course review, whether it be an informal course review or self review of your course, the online version, called the Course Review Management System (CRMS) is a much more convenient tool than paper. It is available on Michigan Tech's online Quality Matters home. Log in accounts for online access can be created there on-the-spot by members of the Michigan Tech community since we are long-time members. For more information, email Michigan Tech's Quality Matters Coordinator, Dan Ye.