K-Day: Participating RSOs

Signing up for K-Day

Register online:

  • Registration will be available starting in early April. Your organization will receive an email with the registration link.
  • You must know your organization's activity before you register.
  • Organizations in the process of forming or who plan to form in the fall can apply for a space at K-Day.

Some things to note when you register:

  • There is a limit on the number of organizations that can be approved, so your organization might not get a space.  
  • If your organization wants to distribute food, it must be pre-packaged.
  • Minimal activities will be allowed.  They must be compliant with University policies, as well as local, state, and federal expectations.
  • Any activity that has an element of risk must submit a risk management plan to be reviewed by SLI in advance of the event.
  • Power is limited and cannot be guaranteed.

K-Day registration will close on Friday, August 30, 2024 at noon.

Setting up for K-Day

  • Every registered student organization will be provided one table unless otherwise specified.
  • Groups may begin setting up beginning at 11 am and should be ready to go by 12:30 pm.
  • You may pull up to unload items only. You will not be permitted to drive to your table or park your vehicle inside the park. 
  • Volunteers will be available to help you carry items to your assigned location.
  • Table numbers/locations will be shared upon your arrival.

K-Day Best Practices

  • We recommend 2 organization members at a booth at a time.
  • Add signage to make your table easily identifiable.
  • Bring information to share or a way for students to give their information to you.
  • Encourage students to sign up for your email list only if they intend to be an active member of your club.