Retaining your organization's status as an RSO is important year round, not just during yearly re-registration. Below you will find some of the requirements for maintaining active status. Questions? Contact
Requirements for RSO Active Status
As a part of being a Registered Student Organization (RSO), it is required that your RSO re-registers each year at the start of the Fall semester. The re-registration process must be completed in full by the due date at the end of September.
All aspects of RSO re-registration and mandatory officer/advisor training are integrated into Canvas! Detailed instructions on how to complete re-registration and information about completing officer training will be emailed directly to the RSO officers.
The minimum requirement to establish a student org has been reduced to six members including three officers- a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The three positions must be filled by different members.
RSOs that do not meet the minimum membership at re-registration have a grace period until spring budget hearings to reestablish membership before their organization is marked inactive. RSOs in the grace period are required to attend three meetings, prior to budget hearings in the spring, to collaborate with SLI and discuss their efforts to reestablish membership.
Organizations must follow the policies and procedures of the University. If a group is found in violation of these, an organization may be suspended and subject to other university discipline actions. The group and its members must remain in good standing with the university, including full compliance with any conditions, stipulations, or restrictions placed upon organizational registration. See Board of Trustees Chapter 7, Section 7.5 Student Organizations
All executive board members of registered student organizations must have and maintain a 2.25 grade point average, both cumulative and most recent semester, during the duration of their position. Please see the full Academic Requirements for RSO Officers Policy for more information.
RSOs are required to keep an accurate roster, updated constitution and bylaws, and a current inventory on their Involvement Link page. Keeping your Involvement Link is one of the best ways to ensure that your organization can easily be found by interested students, faculty/staff, and community members AND allows Student Leadership & Involvement to get you the most up-to-date information for your RSO.
Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) requires that each RSO list a President, Secretary, and Treasurer on their Involvement Link.
While some RSOs have a variety of titles for these positions, SLI uses these three positions to send important messages to RSO officers. In instances where RSOs would like to give alternate titles to these positions, you must also list the three required titles on your Roster. The RSO must choose have three individual students fulfill these roles. All RSOs must have three student officers in order to remain in compliance with RSO policy.
Presidents are required to fill out our E-Board Position Update Form when officer transition happens. All new officers are required to complete online training before the changes are reflected on your roster. Information will be shared with officers via email once the form is completed.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) that travel over 50 miles on behalf of their organization at Michigan Tech, regardless of the mode of transportation, are required to adhere to the RSO Travel Policy (found below) and to complete the RSO Travel Policy Form two days before travel. Please visit our Travel Policy for more information.
RSO's are required to manage all funds for their organization. When an RSO receives funding from the Student Activity Fee as allocated by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), the organization is required to adhere by all conditions set forth by the USG, including restrictions on use of the SAF, policies regarding budget requests, and maintaining proper documentation. In addition, organizations may hold bank accounts at a private banking institutions to handle additional funds for the organization. See our Finance page for more info.