Husky Bites®

Free 20-minute Interactive Zoom Webinars

Husky Bites will resume in September 2020.

Craving some brain food?

Come have dinner Monday 6 p.m. EST with Dean Janet Callahan and faculty guests. Grab some supper (or just flop down on your couch) and learn something new. Hosted by the College of Engineering at Michigan Technological University and featuring faculty who present 20 minute interactive webinars with time after for Q&A.

This family-friendly event is BYOC (bring your own curiosity). Topics include: Geo-Upper Peninsula, Sound, Lake Superior and her Secrets, Nanosatellites, Experiments, Elasticity, and More. Starting May 11 and held weekly through August.

Summer Schedule

Event Speaker Blog Story Facebook YouTube
May 11 John Gierke How the Rocks Connect Us May 11 Stream -
May 18 Brad King

Space, Satellites and Students

May 18 Stream -
May 25 none Memorial Day Recess    
June 1 Rebecca Ong

Color-Changing Potions and Magical Microbes

Get the Supply List and Protocols!

June 1 Stream June 1 Video
June 8 Guy Meadows

Shipwrecks and Underwater Robots

June 8 Stream June 8 Video
June 15 Andrew Barnard

A Quieter Future

June 15 Stream -
June 22 Tony Pinar How Do Machines Learn? June 22 Stream June 22 Video
June 29 Daisuke Minakata

Scrubbing Water—How and Why?

June 29 Stream June 29 Video
July 6 Jeremy Bos What's Next After FIRST Robotics? July 6 Stream -
July 13 Joe Foster Through the Looking Glass! Geospatial Wizardry July 13 Stream July 13 Video
July 20 Smitha Rao Biomedical Engineering the Future July 20 Stream July 20 Video
July 27 Steve Kampe Hey, There's Materials Science in Your Golf Bag! July 27 Stream July 27 Video
Aug 3 Gordon Parker Control Systems—Math in Motion August 3 Stream August 3 Video

Who should come?

Everyone—future students, friends, family, alumni, and our MTU family, all are welcome. Please join us for some adventure and fun.

Zoom Webinar

Prizes for near perfect attendance!

Registration is closed for Summer 2020.

Facebook Live Stream

Visit the Michigan Tech College of Engineering page at 6 p.m. on Mondays.

Follow Us


Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan

Dean, College of Engineering

"Welcome and thank you everyone for joining us! We're recording the webinars this summer and posting them in case you're busy one Monday."Janet Callahan

Huge Thanks to Husky Bites Sponsors

As you can imagine, many incoming and returning student's financial situations have changed as a result of COVID-19, and the need is greater than ever before. There are many students who might not have been able to continue their education without this support.

Interested in Sponsoring a Husky Bite webinar?

100% of all gifts are designated to a scholarship fund to help students in need. Go to our gift form and under "Designation" select the second radio button titled "Annual Fund Scholarships." In the special instructions, type in "Husky Bites" which properly designates your gift.

Why is a 14 ct gold ring more valuable than its 20 ct cousin?

Steve Kampe