Nanoscaffolding Goes Natural
Biomedical engineer Feng Zhao is making lab-grown tissues that are just like the real thing—because they are the real thing. Transcending synthetics, Feng Zhao's new nanoscaffolding created from fibroblast cells is set to revolutionize lab-grown tissues—and save lives.
Our cells aren't solitary. They exist in a vast, complex matrix that serves as the backbone for their duties. As cells proliferate, they use their surroundings to carry out our most basic biological functions, including growth and healing.
On the cover:The Healing Stitch. Feng Zhao is building a new kind of cellular nanoscaffolding by stitching together fibroblast cells—an artful process similar to crocheting.
Research is published by University Marketing and Communications and the Vice President for Research Office at Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295.
David Reed—Vice President for Research
Cathy Jenich—Assistant to Vice President for Research
John Lehman—Associate Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing, and Communications
Ian Repp—Director of University Marketing and Communications
Kara Sokol—Editorial Director
Jackie Johnson, Clare Rosen—Designer
Brandy Tichonoff—Creative Director
Sarah Bird—University Photographer
Mechelle Normand—crochet artist, cover art
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