• A faded image of a hut at dusk next to brightly painted fish and leaves carved on a pole.

    When Can We Eat the Fish?

    Answer: it's complicated. A transdisciplinary team led by Michigan Tech tracks pollutants while looking for solutions to reduce exposure for a local Indigenous community. Cold—it’s the first feature anyone notices about Lake Superior. Then there are the rocks; reds and blacks spewed by ancient volcanism and shaped by waves, granites shrugged off the shoulders of the Canadian shield. On the Keweenaw Peninsula, some of those rocks glint with copper, and hemlocks grow on the slopes up and away from the beach. Tree-covered ridges rise inland while the water stretches out—a deep, dark blue curving beyond the horizon. Sunsets, the northern lights, storm clouds seem to fill the whole sky.

On the cover: A transdisciplinary team led by Michigan Tech investigates Great Lakes atmosphere-surface exchangeable pollutants and their impacts through policy, socioeconomic pressures, ecosystem services, stressors like climate change and land use, and biogeochemical cycling.

Research is published by University Marketing and Communications and the Vice President for Research Office at Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931-1295.

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Kelley Christensen, Jennifer Donovan, Cyndi Perkins, Shannon Rinkinen—Writers

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