Loredana Valenzano-Slough

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they
should be. Now put the foundations under them."
—"Walden" - H.D. Thoreau
—"Walden" - H.D. Thoreau
- lvalenza@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1602
- Chem Sci 701A
- Associate Professor, Chemistry
- PhD, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, 2003
- MSc, University of Torino, Italy, 2000
Work History
- Assistant Professor, Michigan Tech, USA, 2012-present
- Assistant Research Scientist, Michigan Tech, USA, 2010-2012
- Postdoctoral Associate, University of Torino, Italy, 2005-2010
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 2003-2005
Links of Interest
Reviewer for:
- ACS: JACS, J Phys Chem Lett, J Phys Chem A/C, Inor Chem
- RSC: J Mat Chem A/B/C, Dalton Trans, CrystEngComm, PCCP, New J Chem
- Elsevier: Chem Phys Lett, J Solid State Chem, Appl Surf Science, Comp Mat Science, Physica B: Cond Matt
- Springer: J Porous Mat
- AIP: J Chem Phys
- MDPI: Materials
Research Interests
- Computational characterization of molecules and materials: energetic materials, nanoporous materials, cementing materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, crystal growth, nucleation, surfaces, effect of defects on the structures and properties of materials, effect of water/solvents on material evolution and degradation, biomolecules