The Master of Science in Civil Engineering is designed for the pursuit of advanced civil engineering studies. The program integrates course work and/or research in a range of civil engineering topics, examined from both a theoretical/mathematical standpoint and an application/design standpoint.
Under the guidance of an advisory committee, students tailor an academic plan to their individual interests and professional goals, choosing an area of emphasis from the following or combining two or more of these areas into an individual emphasis:
- Civil engineering materials
- Geotechnical engineering
- Infrastructure engineering
- Intelligent infrastructure design
- Structural engineering
- Transportation engineering
- Water resource engineering
- Geospatial engineering
MS Options
Whether your interests lie in research or course work, we offer a master's degree option to suit your educational goals.
Service Programs
Students interested in pursuing the VISTA or Fellows Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering program can elect to complete their MS degree through either a Thesis Option or Report Option. The Thesis Option is intended for students who plan to conduct original scientific research in the course of their VISTA or Fellows program.
For more information about the VISTA or Fellows Civil or Environmental Engineering program please contact: Eric Seagren, Noel Urban, or Dave Watkins.