2024 Award Recipients
President's Award for Leadership

Marielle Raasio
B.S., Policy & Community Development
The President's Award for Leadership recognizes a student who embodies our leadership value statement: "We inspire the leadership needed for all individuals to boldly push everyday boundaries while serving others."
Recipient's Bio
Marielle Raasio is a junior studying Policy & Community Development with a minor in
public health. Marielle has made an incredible and lasting impact on Graduate Language
Assessment and Support, where she has displayed initiative and innovation as the GLAS
Lead Coach. Through her empathetic and focused approaches to tutoring, Marielle has
helped dozens of students from around the world grow their English language speaking
and listening abilities.
This impact goes beyond pedagogical development. She educates herself on the resources
on campus and in the community and builds discussions of those services into the language
sessions she provides. This cultivates familiarity, comfort, and confidence that benefits
our international graduate students. Marielle has also made it a priority to foster
those relationships outside of the classroom. She has hosted dance and dinner parties,
led winter break adventures for students who don’t have transportation, and helped
connect students with other community members who speak their native languages.
Marielle also supported five other coaches by being reliable and timely when answering
questions and sharing resources with them. She actively sought out feedback and opportunities
to develop her professional leadership skills, which in turn she shared with others.
She has volunteered to lead weekly Coach Education Meetings on language and pedagogy
and sought out new technology that can support the program.
In addition to her position in GLAS, Marielle has worked as a lifeguard and Water
Safety Instructor at the Student Development Complex pool, supported grant writing
at the Keweenaw Area Community Foundation as an intern, and aided with community development
projects in the Western UP Planning and Development Region. These leadership roles
opened her eyes to the high-need, low-visibility populations in her local and global
communities which, in turn, pushed her to get involved with global leadership on campus.
She joined the Global Community Engagement Conference Planning Committee at Michigan
Tech this past fall and is working with the Keweenaw Community Foundation to better
engage campus entities with local organizations.
In reflecting on her leadership journey, Marielle shared, "My mom reminds me at least
once a week that leadership doesn’t have to be loud. In fact, some of the most powerful
leaders are quiet — the ones behind the scenes. Powerful leaders set the stage of
success for others and help them up onto that stage. Powerful leaders are those who
empower others to become the movers, shakers, and change-makers of our time." It is
clear that Marielle's behind-the-scenes leadership has left an indelible mark here
in the Keweenaw.
Provost's Award for Scholarship

Abraham Stone
B.S., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
The Provost's Award for Scholarship is given to a senior who best represents student scholarship at Michigan Tech. This outstanding student is considered excellent, not only by academic standards, but also for participation in research, scholarship activity, levels of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and communication skills.
Recipient's Bio
Abraham is an Ecology and Evolutionary Biology student who has achieved high levels
of academic success in terms of both classroom participation and depth of involvement
in research. According to one nominator, he “…accomplishes all with humanity, humility,
and positive energy.”
Beyond his excellent academic record, Abraham has been extraordinarily proactive in
acquiring research experience. Currently, he has two pending research proposals, one
internal proposal to the GLRC as co-PI, and a proposal to the Michigan Sea Grant as
PI. Abraham has been a PI on 6 awarded proposals (Ecosystem Science Center (3), Garden
Club, and SURF (2); in addition, he was a co-PI on a Michigan Space Grant Consortium
grant. Through this work he has co-authored 5 outreach publications for news outlets,
the MI DNR and MTU; co-authored or presented two invited oral presentations; and been
the lead author on 5 research posters (3 at MTU and 2 at conferences in other states),
winning 3rd place at the Natural Areas Conference.
Abraham is also active in regional groups focused on sustainability and food sovereignty.
He has attended 8 research and outreach conventions and was even invited to be a panelist
at two outreach summits, one in Marquette and one on sustainability at MTU. He is
a leader in developing the Portage Lake seed library and seed swap.
His creativity and intellectual curiosity are exceptional, and he serves as a role
model for other students.
Dean of Students Award for Possibilities

Madison Mattila
B.S., Accounting and Management Information Systems
The Dean of Students Award for Possibilities recognizes a student who embodies our possibilities value statement: "We inspire the exploration and creation of all possibilities through innovative use of our skills and knowledge."
Recipient's Bio
Madison explores and creates possibilities through her countless involvements on campus
and in the community. She currently serves as the President of Kappa Sigma Iota (the
Accounting Club), the College of Business representative and Public Relations chair
of Undergraduate Student Government, and Vice President of the Women's Golf Club.
She is also engaged in academic pursuits such as the Applied Portfolio Management
Program and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. In addition to these on-campus
commitments, Madison maintains a management position with MTU's Portage Golf Course,
coaches Girls Soccer at Houghton High School, and serves as a Big Sister for Big Brother
Big Sisters of America. Madison is extraordinary in her willingness to push her own
boundaries, but even more impressive is her willingness to support the growth and
impact of others.
Following the College of Business Etiquette Dinner, Madison seized a new opportunity.
She recognized that the business field often requires a bit of golf, so she created
a program for students to learn the sport. After connecting with Professor Roger Woods
on the idea, Madison took it upon herself to create the marketing plan for the event,
book and organize attendees onto tee times, and identify mentors from men’s and women’s
leagues at the golf course to send out with students. Students walked away with not
only a better understanding of the sport, but also a new connection with their golf
Madison also seized opportunities within Kappa Sigma Iota. Her peers shared that they
often didn't feel seen at the Career Fair. To address this concern, Madison worked
to compile a list of company connections held by club members, including alumni who
have gone on to work for them and current students who have committed jobs with those
companies. This allowed accounting majors to see all the opportunities and understand
that no public accounting firm was out of reach to them as a product of attending
Michigan Tech.
In reflecting on her experiences, Madison shared, " '“Opportunities don’t happen,
you create them,' is a quote that I embody as I decide what to take on as a student
leader. The possibilities that I’ve created for others have taught me invaluable lessons
and empowered me as an individual. As I wrap up my college career and move into a
new chapter of life, I will always hold spreading joy, resources, and opportunities
dear to my heart.
William and Josephine Balconi Community Service Award

Micaela Geborkoff
B.S., Medical Laboratory Science
The William and Josephine Balconi Community Service Award is presented to a student who demonstrates community service with lasting and meaningful impact during their time at Michigan Tech, regardless of background or area of study.
Recipient's Bio
Micaela is a junior studying Medical Laboratory Science. Her interest in the medical
field has been the foundation of much of her service work while enrolled at Michigan
As an active volunteer EMT with MTU EMS, she has shown an unwavering dedication to
helping other community members in health crises. She has completed 147 on-call hours
and 248 clinical volunteering hours. Notably, Micaela has undertaken volunteer clinical
rotations at Aspirus Laurium Hospital Emergency Room and Mercy EMS in Hancock, further
showcasing her strong commitment to hands-on experience in her chosen field. In addition
to her contributions to emergency medical services, Micaela is the current President
of the MTU Well-Being Advocates, where she also has demonstrated exceptional leadership.
Despite her busy schedule, she has volunteered 20 hours, contributing to initiatives
aimed at promoting wellness and mental health awareness on campus. As a PAWS (Peer
Awareness for Well-Being and Support) member, Micaela is undergoing additional education
to better support those struggling and advocate for mental health awareness.
Micaela has also been an invaluable volunteer member in the Werner research lab where
she tests chemical probes on fruit larvae. She has demonstrated an exemplary work
ethic and passion for her field. Notably, her efforts have resulted in four co-authorships
in highly reputable journals, a testament to her exceptional skills and commitment
to scholarly pursuits. Her dedication to her peers and community is also apparent
in her paid employment. She has worked as a Biology Learning Center Coach, Graduate
Language Assessment and Support English Language Coach, and a Summer Youth Program
Following her graduation, Micaela hopes to continue to serve others as a physician.