Below you will find a wide variety of resources for proposal development, research capacity building, and research strategy. If you don’t see a resource you need, please reach out to for assistance.
*Any files shared via Google Drive below require a Michigan Tech Google account.
Proposal Development Resources and Templates
- Sample Facilities Plans
- Guidance from NSF
- Guidance from NIH
- NIH R15 Research Environment Information
- Safe Fieldwork/Off-Campus Research Planning - Work Template
- Sample Data Management Plans
- DMP Tool
- Library Resources
- Agency guidance from NSF and NIH
- Ideas and resources for data sharing with project partners
- Current and Pending Support Resources
- Biographical Sketch Resources (includes SciENcv)
- Collaborations and Other Affiliations
- For NSF and NIH, we recommend SciENcv for biosketches and for the NSF Current &Pending support form. As of October 2023 use of SciENcv will be required; these resources are provided as examples of content that can be included.
- NSF offers a helpful pre Post-Award Disclosure table to help determine where to place information and what should be included
- Conflict of Interest Matrix
*Note: There is no one “right” way to write a proposal. Always follow the specific guidance of the funding opportunity and if there are suggested sections, use them. However, sample previously submitted proposals can be a guide for future proposals to particular agencies of interest. See here for sample proposals from various agencies.
* See agency-specific guidance for required reporting.
- NSF requires (and evaluates) on broader impacts. Other projects can also benefit from these types of projects. NSF offers some guidance on broader impacts. The Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) also offers helpful resources.
- Sample resources specific to Michigan Tech
- NSF and NIH offer agency-specific guidance
- Samples and templates for Michigan Tech researchers
- Fillable proposal development timelines and checklists customized for various agency requirements.
- See resources from Sponsored Programs
- Budget and budget justification samples and templates
- Sample language for support and commitment letters. Be sure to check for agency requirements and restrictions when planning for any letters attached to a proposal.
- Required NIH R15 AREA letter.
- Michigan Tech Facts & Figures
- Michigan Tech Institutional Research
- Michigan Tech Overview
Agency Engagement
- Concept Papers and Quad Chart samples from various agencies
- Resources and information from past agency interactions
Program Evaluation
- Resources and contacts for program evaluation
Past Events
- Slides and handouts from recent VPR events
- SciENcv Webinar
- Research Day Zoom recordings