Jill A. Olin

- jaolin@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1121
- GLRC 221
- Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
- PhD, Environmental Science, University of Windsor
- MS, Marine Biology, Hofstra University
- BS, Marine & Freshwater Biology, University of New Hampshire
I am a community ecologist who studies the processes that affect the structure and stability of ecosystems. I study these issues in coastal marine and freshwater ecosystems due to the diversity and economic importance of species inhabiting these environments and toward the fact that they are under threat from anthropogenic influences. I use food web, community assembly and fisheries theory to explore the following research areas; (1) the intra- and inter-species interactions and trophic structuring of communities within a hierarchical construct; (2) the distribution patterns of organisms and the mechanisms that drive these patterns and; (3) the relative influence of anthropogenic threats and climactic drivers on ecosystem dynamics and resilience. I combine dietary biomarkers techniques with ecological and modeling approaches to explore questions with the overriding aim of providing data for conservation across multiple levels of organization.
Currently I teach courses in Ecology and Evolution, Marine Ecology and Ecogeochemical Tracer Techniques.
Research Interests
- Community Ecology
- Trophic Interactions
- Marine Ecology
- Ecogeochemical Tracer Techniques