Qingli Dai

Qingli Dai


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  • Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
  • Associate Chair for Research, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
  • PhD, Applied Mechanics, University of Rhode Island
  • MS, Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University, China
  • BS, Engineering Mechanics, China Institute of Metrology


Dr. Dai’s concrete -related research has mainly dealt with concrete mix design, characterization,
test, and analysis for sustainable civil infrastructure applications. She has recently worked on
scrap tire rubber concrete for road construction and concrete structural components. Rubber
concrete can improve fracture toughness and decrease brittleness. The well-distributed fine
rubber particles in concrete can reduce internal stress subject to freeze-thaw damage and
chemical attack for improved durability. In addition, the high-performance rubberized concrete
was also developed with waste plastic fibers or recycled tire fibers. Her group has also
improved concrete durability with embedded pH-sensitive hydrogel, bacteria-induced healing,
and other self-regulation mechanisms. She serves as chair of the ACI subcommittee 555 OC and
is a voting member for the ACI committee 555 (recycled materials) and 241 (nanotechnologies).
Dr. Dai’s mass timber-related research has conducted to 1) test and analyze mixed- species CLT
panel behaviors (hybrid softwood and hardwood species), 2) Lateral Performance Simulation of
Conventional CLT Shear Wall and Structure under earthquake loading, and 3) Dynamic response
and performance of PT CLT shear wall and structure under earthquake and sequential
earthquake-wind loadings.
Dr. Dai’s data-based resilience research includes 1) surface layer modulus prediction of asphalt
concrete pavement based on LTPP database and machine learning for M-E rehabilitation, 2)
pavement surface performance prediction including friction, distress, and freeze-thaw
conditions under inclement weather, and 3) reliability assessment of electrical grids subjected
to wind hazards and ice accretion with concurrent wind,
Dr. Dai has been one of the principal investigators of research projects funded by National
Science Foundation, State Department of Transportation and Michigan Department of
Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE). She has authored and co-authored more than
140 peer reviewed papers including 110 journal articles in prestigious national and international
Journals. She is a member of ASCE granular material committee, bitumen committee, pavement
Mechanics committee, and geophysics Committee. She is an associate editor for ASCE journal
of Materials in Civil Engineering.
She has taught classes including Advanced Concrete Materials, Structure analysis, Matrix
structural analysis, Finite element analysis, Advanced mechanics of materials.

Links of Interest

Teaching Interests

  • Matrix structural analysis
  • Finite element analysis
  • Concrete Materials
  • Pavement design
  • Timber design

Research Interests

  • Computational analysis for material research: multiscale modeling, finite element analysis, discrete element analysis, multiphysical modeling, fracture simulation and molecular dynamics
  • Acoustic and ultrasonic measurement, NDE technique; advanced X-ray and neutron scattering characterization
  • Low-carbon cementitious materials; supplementary cementitious materials with waste ingredients; sustainable development; durability performance
  • CLT panels and timber structures; structural resilience; climate change
  • Resilience of electrical power distribution and transmission systems, pavement resilience subjected to extreme weather conditions
  • Active-material actuator design, wind-structure interaction, vibration reduction