Computer Engineering Flow Chart

Audit Years

Program Code ECP

This sample plan and flow chart is suitable for undergraduate students who are ready for calculus and starting in:

  • 2023–24
    • CS 3421 is replaced with EE 3172 in fall of Year 3.
  • 2022–23
    • EE 3131 will no longer be a prerequisite for EE 3173 and may now be taken concurrently.
  • 2021–22, 2020–21, 2019–20
    • EE 1111 and EE 1110 were removed from the second-semester curriculum beginning in 2019-20. 2 credits of Free Electives were added moving forward.
  • 2018–19 and earlier please contact your academic advisor.

General Flow Chart Guidelines

Year 1

Fall (Semester 1)

Total 14 Credits

Spring (Semester 2)

Total 13 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Year 2

Fall (Semester 3)

Total 17 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Spring (Semester 4)

Total 17 Credits

Year 3

Fall (Semester 5)

Total 16 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Spring (Semester 6)

Total 17 Credits
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)
PE Co-Curricular (0.5)

Year 4

Fall (Semester 7)

Total 17 Credits

Spring (Semester 8)

Total 17 Credits


Computer Engineering Technical Electives

Computer Engineers have the option to choose between most of the 3000- and 4000-level CS or EE courses, as well as a few additional options.

It is important to note that there are a few exclusions that may not be taken for Technical Elective credit: CS 4090, CS 4099, CS 4431, CS 4791, CS 4792, CS 5090, CS 5091, EE 3171, EE 4000, EE 4800, EE 4805, EE 4870, EE 5290, EE 5975, EE 5990, EE 5991, EE 5992, EE 6975.

Computer Science

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mathematical Sciences

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Note: Some 5000-level courses may also be used as Technical Electives if the student meets prerequisites for graduate level courses or is taking advantage of senior rule. Please see the academic advisor for more information.