To schedule a 30 minute appointment with Student Disability Services, please use the
"Make an Appointment" button below. The calendar to the left has the days highlighted
that have open appointments. If you need to meet virtual, please indicate that when
you schedule.
Please use the Absence Request Form button if you need to use one of your sds medical
If you have any questions, please call 906-487-3558.
Student Disability Services at Michigan Tech is available to all students. Our office provides academic support, temporary, and ongoing accommodations for those students with documented needs. If a student does not have documentation of a disability but is seeking information or support we encourage them to visit with our Coordinator of Student Disability Services to discuss their options. All students interested in either obtaining accommodations or discussing their options should make an appointment as early as possible in their first semester.
Failure to register a disability with the Student Disability office in a timely manner will lead to delays in receiving services.
While we will review IEP/504 Plans, these tend not to be as helpful in assisting students as actual diagnostic test results with interpretations from medical specialists. Please review our policy, available accommodations, and submitting documentation below.
If you have further questions, please call us at 906-487–3558.

Obtaining Accommodations at Michigan Tech