Kari B. Henquinet

- Teaching Professor, Social Sciences Undergraduate Studies Director
- Peace Corps Prep Program Director
- Sustainability Science and Society Program Advisor
- Pronouns: she, her, hers
- PhD, Anthropology, Michigan State University, 2007
- MA, Anthropology, Michigan State University, 2003
- BA, Interdisciplinary Studies, Wheaton College, 1996
Areas of Specialization
Gender, Women’s Rights, and Household Livelihoods in Niger
I apply my ethnographic experience and training as a West Africa area studies specialist
in the study of gender relations and women’s rights by examining prominent transnational
aid institutions in Niger. This research highlights: 1) changes in gender roles and
access to resources connected to material and religious change in the Maradi Region,
2) ways in which women’s rights, gender, and class are understood and applied in development
programs and among aid recipients, and 3) discourses of women’s rights and Islamic
family law in the Maradi Region and in Niger. I extend this work with my students
by teaching undergraduate courses in international development, African Studies, and
anthropology, and by working closely with graduate students conducting research using
ethnography and examining topics such as social vulnerability and gender issues.
Historical Roots of North American Evangelical Aid and Development
Using archival data and oral histories, I use the case of World Vision in the 1950s
and 1960s to look at roots of private voluntary evangelical relief and development
work in an age of the “development consensus” and large-scale state-directed development.
This project consists of three papers: 1) the convergence and divergence of early
World Vision with U.S. work abroad in the Cold War, highlighting the common notion
of remaking vulnerable Third World Subjects and nations, yet distinct evangelical
approaches to social change; 2) evangelical interpretations of and responses to global
suffering with emphasis on temporal and ethical frames and tensions; and 3) the use
of child sponsorship as a successful fundraising tool in World Vision, which triggered
emotional and moral responses in North American evangelical donors. I integrate this
expertise in my teaching and advising of Peace Corps and study abroad students as
we examine the historical context of U.S. engagements abroad and development institutions.
Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change, and Social Vulnerability
As an anthropologist, I have contributed to several collaborative, interdisciplinary
projects on disaster risk reduction, climate change, and social vulnerability. In
El Salvador working with a geologist, we have examined social and geophysical vulnerability
in a disaster relocation program. I am currently working with a team of scientists
to plan an IRES NSF field school in El Salvador for summer 2021 on climate change
and agriculture. I have also co-advised three geology master’s students who integrated
ethnography to research disaster risk in El Salvador and Jamaica, and water security
in Senegal.
Intercultural, Service, and Experiential Learning
My own transformational experiences through guided cross-cultural and service-oriented
immersion as a student have sparked a passion to continue to develop these kinds of
programs for my students. As Director of Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI)
for nine years and Peace Corps Prep for six years, I coordinate campus-wide efforts
to prepare our students for international service and for careers as global leaders
in their fields. I also advise students who are pursuing community engagement in their
honors program and direct the Community Ambassadors program to build linkages between
Michigan Tech and the local community through volunteer work. I teach courses preparing
students for cross-cultural immersion and project work. I am currently analyzing data
to better understand our students’ experiences and development, using qualitative
interviews and student work.
Links of Interest
Areas of Expertise
- International/transnational development
- Faith-based development
- Gender
- Human rights
- Global service learning
- African studies (Niger)
- Disaster risk reduction and vulnerability