Showcase [AI] Student Poster Competition

Showcase [AI], The College of Computing, and the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems hosted a poster competition for undergraduate and graduate students in all departments and majors. 

Competition Winners:

  • 1st Place: Kirk Thelen, graduate student, Computer Science 
    • Meeting Digital Learners Where They Are: Design of a Sociotechnical System for Remote Digital Assistance
  • 2nd Place: Niusen Chen, graduate student, Computer Science
    • A Secure Plausibly Deniable System for Mobile Devices against Multi-snapshot Adversaries

  • 3rd Place: 5-way tie
    • Shashank Pathrudkar
      • Electronic structure of bulk materials using Machine Learning

    • Ali Awad
    • Shivayogi Akki
      • Benchmarking Model Predictive Control and Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robot Locomotion
    • Brandon Woolman
      • Disrupting the Visuomotor Connection: Mild Cognitive Impairment and a Visually Guided Reaching Task
    • Zongguang Liu
      • Entanglement-Free Path Planning for Tethered Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (T-AUVs)