Karen Potter-Witter

- BS Forestry 1975
In 1975, Karen completed a Bachelor of Science in Forestry at Michigan Technological University. She also received a Master of Science in Forestry Quantitative Techniques from the University of Minnesota and a Forestry-Resource Economics Doctorate of Philosophy from Michigan State University. Presently, Karen is an Associate Professor of Forest Economics in the Department of forestry at MSU. Her research and extension work is in timber supply, forestry investment analysis and taxation, and policy analysis. She has published more than 50 articles and extension publications on these topics. She teaches natural resource economics and forest policy. Her experience includes fourteen years at MSU and seven years as a consultant for government and industry and as a staff forester for Potlatch Corporation. Karen was a team member on the MSU project which developed the National Forest Management Plan for the Dominican Republic and team leader for the Pre-feasibility Analysis of the Establishment of the first National Forest in the Dominican Republic. Karen's professional affiliations include membership in Xi Sigma Pi, International Society of Tropical Foresters, Michigan Association of Extension Specialists (President) and Governor's Forest Products Industry Development Council. She has been a member the Society of America Foresters (SAF) for 21 years, is currently Program Chair for the 1998 SAF National Convention and immediate past chair of the Michigan SAF. Additional SAF positions have been as member of the Forest Science and Technology Board, member of the National Convention Planning Committee, secretary of the Economics, Policy and Law working group and co-chair of the Policy Committee, Michigan Chapter. Karen also belongs to Trout Unlimited, Michigan Forest Association and American Forests.
From the 1998 Presidential Council of Alumnae Induction.