
All XRF users must review the general approach to ACMAL training.

ACMAL Training

XRF Training

Coursework Training

Some affiliated courses are available. Users are expected to gain the proper background, including an understanding of the theory, before deciding to use these techniques.

One-on-One Training

Instruction in the operation of the XRD systems will be performed only by the facility manager Ed Laitila. No exceptions!

Experienced users can instruct each other in the use of the data analysis software if the managing director is not available, but it is recommended to still consult with the facility manager in advance.

Informal Training

Notes are available from X-ray Diffraction Users Group sessions.

  1. Design and Set-Up of XRD Experiments
  2. Detailed Analysis of the XRD Scan Set-Up Procedure for the Scintag Θ/Θ Diffractometer
  3. Computer Algorithms Used for XRD Data Smoothing, Background Correction, and Creating Peak Files
  4. Profile Fitting and Graphical Manipulation of XRD Data

The facility manager curates some external tutorials to help facility users learn XRD science.