Environmental and Energy Policy Dissertations

Doctor of Philosophy Degrees Awarded in Environmental and Energy Policy


B.J. Burns. 2020. Aging Pipeline Infrastructure in the United States: How Do a Changing Policy Mix, Issues of Energy Justice, and Social Media Communication Impact Future Risk Analysis? [ProQuest]


R.J. Zupko. 2019. Application of Agent-Based Modeling to Complex Systems. [ProQuest]

E.W. Prehoda. 2019. Community Solar Energy Programs: A Bright Spot for Just Energy Policy? [ProQuest]

M.S. Morgan. 2019. Ecotourism and Women’s Empowerment: A Case Study in Quintana Roo Mexico. [ProQuest]

E.M. Burkett. 2019. Gendered Recreational Fisheries Management and North American Natural Resource Policy. [ProQuest]


J.L. Dunn. 2018. Wisconsin Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners and Wood-based Bioenergy. [ProQuest]

J.B. Barnett. 2018. Addressing Policy Challenges to Woody Biopower Production: Social Acceptance, Biomass Certification and Limited Policy Support. [ProQuest]


E.C. Pischke. 2017. Understanding Perceptions of Barriers to International, Interdisciplinary Scientific Teamwork and the Expansion of Mexican Oil Palm Plantations. [ProQuest]


A. Banerjee. 2016. "Three essays on bioenergy development in Mexico and the United States: Policy Choices, Policy Comparison and Public Perception of Policy Impacts." [MTU Library] [ProQuest]

V. Sherick Gagnon. 2016. "Environmental justice for seven generations: An institutional ethnography of fish, risk, and health in the Lake Superior toxic riskscape." [Proquest]

S.M. Mizanur Rahman. 2016. "Shipbreaking in Bangladesh: Perspectives from industrial ecology, political ecology and environmental policy." [Proquest]

A. Vaidya. 2016. "The utility of the participatory approach for sustainable development assessments." [Proquest]