Technological Innovation is our Niche
Michigan Tech’s niche in the state is in bringing to bear engineering and science expertise to address issues of interest to Michigan and society. Our niche in the human health arena is in the development of new technologies that contribute to the success of health-care providers.
We take our role as contributors to economic development seriously. Focusing on “new manufacturing,” particularly as it applies to human health, may help improve economic conditions in the state. Michigan Tech researchers and the College of Engineering Advisory Board members predict that much of the new manufacturing growth will occur in additive manufacturing, an area in which Michigan Tech already excels. Large rust-belt factories will not be needed for the manufacturing boom, rather hi-tech, intelligent manufacturing is the model for the future. Michigan has the potential to be a leader in new manufacturing, and we can get there first in biomedical areas, paving the way for other industries that will use the newly developed technologies. Technological innovations developed at Michigan Tech will support the work of health-care providers, contribute to economic development, and support improved health-care outcomes within the state of Michigan.
The H-STEM Building Aligns with the University Mission
Michigan Tech’s Mission Statement was developed through collaborative engagement of stakeholders. Approved by the University’s Board of Trustees on May 1, 2015, it is quoted below.
"We deliver action-based undergraduate and graduate education and discover new knowledge through research and innovation. We create solutions for society’s challenges through interdisciplinary education, research, and engagement to advance sustainable economic prosperity, health and safety, ethical conduct, and responsible use of resources. We attract exceptional students, faculty and staff who understand, develop, apply, manage and communicate science, engineering, technology and business to attain the goal of a sustainable, just and prosperous world. Our success is measured by the accomplishments and reputation of our graduates, national and international impact of our research and scholarly activities, and investment in our University."
Michigan Tech’s Strategic Plan
Michigan Tech has identified three primary goals as part of our strategic plan. The goals relate to our people, our educational programs, and our research capabilities.
The strategic plan was developed by the entirety of campus stakeholders. The plan, plus Michigan Tech’s Portrait of 2045, envision a future in which the University community continues to use its technological expertise to improve the human condition. The Michigan Tech tagline is a short but compelling articulation of the strategic plan and the University’s goals associated with the plan.
We prepare students to create the future
Goal 1: An exceptional and diverse community of students, faculty, and staff.
1.1 Exceptional academic and professional community.
- recruit, support, recognize, and graduate bright, motivated, and adventurous students
- attract, retain, and support faculty and staff by providing recognition, rewards, and competitive compensation
- provide professional development and leadership opportunities for students, faculty, and staff
1.2 Diverse, inclusive, and collegial environment.
- develop and implement initiatives to increase the diversity of students, faculty, and staff
1.3 Exceptional services and infrastructure.
- provide exceptional technology, library, and laboratory facilities that support education, research, and innovation
Goal 2: A distinctive and rigorous action-based learning experience grounded in science, engineering, technology, sustainability, business, and an understanding of the social and cultural contexts of our contemporary world.
2.1 Integration of instruction, research, and innovation to achieve the University Student Learning Goals.
- promote mutual appreciation and collaborative opportunities across academic disciplines
- continually review and update existing programs and develop new offerings in emerging disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas
2.2 Transformative educational experience grounded in a residential-based technologically rich learning environment.
- encourage and support high quality, innovative, and effective instruction and experiences to enhance student learning
Goal 3: Research, scholarship, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creative work that promotes a sustainable, just, and prosperous world.
3.1 Growth in research, scholarship, and creativity.
- increase external support for research, scholarly, and creative activities
- recognize and reward our accomplishments and promote them both internally and externally
- encourage and support interdisciplinary activities
- cultivate a community of research inspiration, productivity, and excellence
- increase development and optimize maintenance of shared research facilities, library resources, equipment, and infrastructure
- facilitate coordination of research activities to address problems of social significance
3.2 Economic and social development and innovation.
- create a culture of responsible innovation and entrepreneurship and expand entrepreneurship in undergraduate and graduate programs
- support workforce development and social engagement through collaborative outreach and technology transfer
- encourage and support technology commercialization and start-up businesses
- expand international and cross-cultural engagement with universities, industries, non-governmental organizations, and governments
Michigan Tech’s Portrait of 2045
Michigan Tech’s Portrait of 2045, the University’s long-term strategic planning guide, calls for an increase in undergraduate enrollment over the next 30 years to about 6,500 students (from a current enrollment of 5,827). The Portrait of 2045 also calls for growth in master’s enrollment from 904 to 2,400 (a total increase of about 1,500 master’s students) in the next 30 years, or about 50 master’s students per year. For PhDs, the plan is to increase enrollment from 514 to about 1,100 (a total increase of about 600 PhD students) in 30 years, or about 20 PhD students per year. An increase of about 60 tenured and tenure-track faculty (from the current number of 338 to 400) is projected between now and 2045. This represents an increase of approximately two tenured or tenure-track faculty per year.
These additional faculty will be needed to provide instruction and research experiences to the growing number of students. Michigan Tech’s faculty ranks include a higher proportion of tenured and tenure-track faculty than do our peer institutions (public higher-research universities). In part this is due to the University’s relatively remote location which makes it impossible to depend on a ready supply of contingent faculty who can contribute educational services on an as-needed basis. Students are the beneficiaries of this situation as they have more access and exposure at Michigan Tech than at other higher-research universities to faculty who are scholars, researchers, and educators. These tenured and tenure-track faculty are able to engage students in their research projects and bring the results of their research into their classrooms.