If your student organization or department is collecting donations, Facilities Management must be notified of any donation bins being placed on campus. Bins may only be placed in these approved locations:
Administration and Student Services Building - North elevator lobby between the couch and water cooler.
Academic Office Building - Near the main entrance lobby area and also on the ground floor in the open computer
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Building - Near the main front entrance, as well as the side entrance on the west side facing
the EERC.
Dow Enviromental Sciences and Engineering Building - Near the main front entrance.
Electrical Energy Resource Center (EERC) - Near the main front entrance, as well as the side entrance (west side) near the
vending machines.
Fisher Hall - Main lobby under the bulletin board locationed on the east wall across from Aftermath
Grover C. Dillman Hall - Near the main front entrance.
RL Smith Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics Building - Near the main front entrance as well as the back hall between the east and west
entrances (behind the fish bowl).
Minerals and Materials Engineering Building - Lobby area
Rekhi Hall - Lobby area
Walker Arts and Humanities Center - Lobby area
Only one bin is allowed per building at a time. Bins are allowed on a first "notify" first serve basis, so please submit your information to us early.
Student organizations or departments are responsible for:
-Notifying Facilities Management of bin placement at least 2 days prior to placing
the bin
-Periodically emptying the bins
-Removing any donated items left outside of the bins
-Removal of the bin on the date reported
Facilities Management will monitor the bins and notify the student organization or
department contact if:
-There is already a bin placed in the location you have requested during the same
time period
-Bins are full
-Bins are located outside of the approved area
-Donation items have been left outside of the bin
-It is past the date that bin should have been removed
To notify us of a donation bin being place in an approved area, please complete the notification form.