9.4 Signature Authority Policy

 The Board of Trustees (“Board”) of Michigan Technological University has authorized the President to approve and sign all University contracts and legal documents, subject to Board approval in specified and limited circumstances. The Board has further authorized the President to delegate such authority as the President deems appropriate. 

Only the President and Duly Authorized Employees have actual authority to approve and sign contracts on behalf of the University. Duly Authorized Employees may only approve and sign contracts on behalf of the University within the scope of their delegated authority.  

Signature authority is governed by
Board of Trustees Policy 11.13 Signing Contracts and Other Legal Documents and
University Policy 2.19 - Approving and Signing Contracts and Other Legal Documents On Behalf of the University

Procedures for signing authority is outlined in University Procedure 2.19.1 Procedure for Approving and Signing Contracts and Other Legal Documents On-Behalf of the University

07/19/2024 - Removed outdated language referencing an old policy; linked to current Board and University policies and procedure.
07/02/2019 - Updated University titles, "VP for Administration is now CFO and Sr. VP for Administration" and Innovation and Industry Engagement is now Innovation and Commercialization."
1/26/2018 - Annual Review: to reflect current policy 11.13, changed the first paragraph to current language. Also added "references" section to BOT Policy 11.13.
01/17/0217 - Annual Review: to reflect current language, added "(unless otherwise designated by the president):" to "by the officers or persons noted (unless otherwise designated by the president):" Added "including for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act; Confidential Research and Investment Information Act. Uniform Trade Secrets Act and any other State or Federal Law or Regulation relating to disclosure or non-disclosure:" to "4. Non-disclosure Agreements" title. Removed "6. Easements given to another party. President, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Secretary, or Treasurer, only after having been formally approved by the Board of Control." Renumbered #7-21 to reflect new section order. Removed "Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs" from 6. "President, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Secretary, or Treasurer." Changed 7. "President, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Research" to "President, Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Research". Changed "...Administration, Treasurer, or Director of Human Resources" to "...Administration, or Director of Human Resources". Added "secretary" to 11. "...Academic Affairs, Secretary, or Treasurer." Changed 13. "President, Vice President for Administration, Secretary, or Treasurer upon formal approval of the Board of Control." to "The president may sell and execute deeds of conveyance of real property, including easements, having a fair market value of $3,000,000 or less. President, Vice President for Administration, Secretary, or Treasurer may sell and execute deeds of conveyance of real property, including easements, having a fair market value of over $3,000,000 only upon approval of the Board of Trustees." Removed "and/or" from 14. "Vice President for Administration, and/or Treasurer". Changed 18. "President, Vice President for Student Affairs, or Athletic Director/Department Chair of Exercise Science, Health and Physical Education." to "President, Vice President for Student Affairs, or Athletic Director or Department Chair of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology."
12/08/2016 - Annual Review: To reflect current language, Changed "Director of Technology & Economic Development." to " Director of Innovation & Industry Engagement". Changed "Vice President for Administration" to "Vice President for Student Affairs". Added "Secretary" to 17. "Academic Affairs, Secretary, or Treasurer."
02/03/2015 - Annual Review: To reflect current practice, the email address for questions is now policy@mtu.edu. No changes made to content.
02/26/2014 - Annual Review: Updated Michigan Tech and Handbook banners. Numbering scheme was revised from alphabetical to numerical to be consistent with Board Policy 11.13. Under item 9. the first and second sentences read: ".. compliance with federal and/or state law. This also includes subcontracts/agreements and service agreements related to these agreements" and now reads: " ...compliance with federal and/or state law, including contracts/agreements and service agreements related to these agreements." The second paragraph read: "President, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Research, Secretary, Treasurer, provided that the Vice President for Research may delegate in writing, ...." and now reads: "President, Vice President for Research, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, provided that the Vice President for Research may delegate in writing, ...". Under item 21, the second sentence read: "President, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer" and now reads: "President, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Secretary, or Treasurer."
03/28/2013 - Annual Review: The first and second paragraphs which read: "The President of the University, the Chair, the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Board are authorized to sign and execute documents within their general powers as officers, or in certain cases, under specific authority. The following types of specific agreements may be executed only by the officers or persons noted:." now reads: "The President of the University, pursuant to his general authority and responsibility for the operation of the University and in accord with the General Policies laid down by the Board may execute any documents unless they go beyond or deviate from the Board's established objectives. The Chair, the Vice Chair, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Board are authorized to sign and execute documents within their general powers as officers, or in certain cases, under specific authority. The following types of specific agreements may be executed only by the officers or persons noted unless otherwise designated by the President." Item "D. Non-disclosure Agreements" now reads: "Non-disclosure Agreements, including for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act; confidential Research and Investment Information Act; Uniform Trade Secrets Acts and any other State of Federal Law or Regulation relating to disclosure or non-disclosure." "Director of Technology and Economic Development" now reads "Director of Innovation and Industry Engagement" as a signature authority from Easements given to another party and Easements received from another party (items F and G). "Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs" was changed to "Vice President for Academic Affairs" in item H. Rentals and leases, to and from other parties. "Treasurer" was removed as a signature authority from item J. Labor agreements with Local 1166, AFSCME and Local 5000, UAW. "Secretary" was added as signature authority in item L. Agreements for payment of tuition, fees, room or board by domestic and foreign organizations. "Vice President for Administration, and/or Treasurer," was changed to "Vice President for Administration, or Treasurer," in item O. Capital outlay projects funded by special state appropriations." "Secretary" was added as signature authority in item R. Agreements with domestic governmental and foreign governmental organizations except those specifically mentioned earlier. Item S. Athletic agreements or contracts and contracts for game officials. - President, "Vice President for Administration, or Athletic  Director/Department Chair of Exercise Science, Health and Physical Education." now reads "Athletic agreements or contracts and contracts for game officials. - President, Vice President for Student Affairs, Athletic Director, or Department Chair of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology." And "Secretary" was added as signature authority in item U. United States Department of Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms annual report.
07/20/2011 - Annual Review: Was previously 9.5. To reflect University titles and practice, the email address for questions is now hbwebmaster.
09/20/2010 - Updated to reflect changes to Board policy and format changes.