University Policies

University Policies Relevant to Student Conduct

Good Samaritan Provision: Intent Regarding Medical Emergency

Student welfare is the University’s primary concern. The Good Samaritan Provision is intended to encourage students to seek swift medical assistance for themselves and others without fear of penalty. Students are urged to not only to take care of their own well-being, but to behave in an equally responsible way with their peers.

There may be times when safety concerns arise from a student’s excessive drinking or drug use, and in these situations, students should not hesitate to seek help from the Residence Education and Housing Services staff, Public Safety and Police Services, medical or counseling professionals, and/or off-campus police out of fear of student conduct action. Under this Good Samaritan Policy, neither the student in distress nor the student or organization seeking assistance will ordinarily be subject to student conduct action for the possession, provision, or consumption of drugs or alcohol.

This policy refers to isolated incidents only, and does not excuse or protect those who flagrantly or repeatedly violate the Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Students and Student Organizations Policy, nor does it preclude disciplinary action arising from violations of other University policies. However, in cases involving additional policy violations, the University will consider the positive impact of reporting an incident as well as the health and safety needs of the involved student(s) when determining the appropriate course of action. This statement of intent applies only to administrative enforcement of the Code and does not provide immunity/amnesty from arrest or criminal prosecution.

Academic Integrity Policy

Michigan Technological University Senate Policy on Academic Integrity defines the classifications and consequences of academic misconduct.

Acceptable Use of Information Technologies

General University Policy on the Acceptable Use of Information Technologies describes the responsibilities, obligations, and possible consequences of misuse associated with the privileges of using the University's IT resources.

University Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs

Abuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs by Students and Student Organizations outlines the University's policy statement, requirements, purpose, and scope with regard to alcohol and other controlled substances.

Chalking Policy

How, when, and where the use of chalk is acceptable is described in the Chalking Policy Statement and Requirements.

Hazing Policy

The University Hazing Policy describes these behaviors and strictly prohibits them in any form. Michigan law regarding hazing, as well as examples of hazing are included.

Campus Housing Policies

Parent Notification Policy

The Parent Notification Policy describes under what circumstances the University might or might not choose to contact a student's parents.

Title IX - Sexual Harassment

Weapons Policy

Rules, requirements, obligations, and possible consequences of failure to abide by the Weapons Policy as described by the Board of Trustees.

Overnight Sleeping in Vehicle

Michigan Tech offers permits for overnight sleeping in authorized vehicles for a maximum of two nights in a row (with reasonable extension approval). An authorized vehicle is an outfitted vehicle intended for overnight sleeping, such as an RV or Camper Van.