Michigan Tech's Student Code of Community Conduct has been updated as of August 1st, 2024. Currently, our website does not reflect all updates. Please refer to the code for the most up-to-date information, or contact the Office of Academic and Community Conduct at 906-487-2192 or studentconduct@mtu.edu.
9.1 Electronic Records
All cases have an electronic record in a secure and access restricted database, Maxient. Records are saved in the database under ‘academic integrity’, ‘student conduct’ or ‘student conduct - sexual misconduct’.
9.2 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) & Background Checks
Records of all student conduct actions by officials and boards are considered educational records under FERPA. Information will be released in accordance with the signed release.
9.3 Campus Security Act
Records of incidents reportable under the Campus Security Act will be retained for seven (7) years from the date of the incident.
9.4 Suspension and Expulsion Cases
Student conduct records resulting in a sanction of conduct suspension or conduct expulsion will be retained indefinitely.
9.5 Records with Conduct Hold
Student conduct records that have had a conduct hold applied because of unaddressed conduct charges or incomplete educational conditions will be retained until conduct hold is removed.
9.6 Additional Conduct Records
All records that do not fit the criteria for Sections 9.3 - 9.5 will be retained for two years following the student’s graduation or official withdrawal from the University.
9.7 University Transcript Notation
Transcript notations occur for expulsion with a notation of EX, or for academic integrity violations that result in a special failing grade of F*, U*, and E* (see Academic Integrity Policy). If a student receives a special failing grade, the student will not be able to repeat that specific course.
9.8 Pending Academic Integrity Cases
In the case of pending actions where an academic grade cannot be assigned, a temporary grade of “M” will be entered into the student’s academic record, which represents a missing grade. Missing grades are not calculated into a student's GPA.
9.9 Sealed Records
Upon a student's request and University review and approval, the University may allow for the sealing of a student’s conduct record prior to the established record retention timeframe as listed in Sections 9.1-9.6. Sealed records will not be disclosed to external third parties except as required by law or when permitted by written waiver by the student. The sealing of student conduct records is not an expungement or pardon of any conduct decision(s). It does not eliminate or modify any sanction(s) or educational condition(s).
9.9.01 Sealed Records Request Process
Students must request their conduct record to be sealed by completing the Sealed Records Request Form. The Office of Academic and Community Conduct will review all requests to seal student conduct records to determine if the request meets the limited grounds listed in Section 9.9.02. All requests determined to meet the limited grounds will be forwarded to the University Conduct Board for final determination. Requests not meeting the limited grounds will be rejected.
9.9.02 Limited Grounds for Sealed Records Request
Requests are submitted either during the student’s last semester prior to graduation, or after successful completion of all degree requirements, AND violation(s) did not result in sanction of conduct expulsion.
9.9.03 Special Request for Sealed Records Request
Special Requests may be submitted for meritorious reasons which justify an early granting of a sealed record, AND violation(s) did not result in sanction of conduct expulsion.
If a special request is made for the conduct record to be sealed prior to completion of all degree requirements, and the request is granted, the sealing of the student’s record will be deferred. During the deferment period, the student’s conduct record will not be disclosed to external third parties except as required by law or as permitted by a written release signed by the student. However, if the student is found responsible for any further violations during the deferment period then the student’s request for their conduct record to be sealed will be voided, and no further requests will be considered.
9.9.04 Final Determination
The University Conduct Board will base the determination on the following:
- Nature and number of violations
- Severity and impact of violations
- Successful completion of sanctions, remedies, and educational conditions
- Additional action taken to learn from misconduct and not let the misconduct define them
- Reason for the request
9.9.05 Request Granted
If a student’s request for their conduct record to be sealed is granted, the student’s conduct record will be sealed at the time of review.
9.9.06 Request Denied
If a request is denied for a conduct record to be sealed, the case will follow the record retention as stated above in this section. However, if the reason for the request changes, the student may submit another request.
9.10 Revocation of Degree
The University reserves the right to revoke an awarded degree for fraud in receipt of the degree, or for serious student conduct violations committed by a student prior to the student’s graduation.