Ashraf Saleem

Ashraf I. Saleem


Robotics & Remote Sensing Lab. (RRSL)

  • Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
  • Affiliated Faculty, Computational Science & Engineering
  • Ph.D., Mechatronics Engineering, DeMontfort University, UK, 2006
  • MSc., Mechatronics Engineering, DeMontfort University, UK, 2003
  • BSc., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Philadelphia University, Jordan, 2000


Dr. Ashraf Saleem received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Mechatronics Engineering from DeMontfort University, UK, in 2006 and 2003, respectively, and his B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Philadelphia University, Jordan, in 2000.

Dr. Saleem leads the Robotics and Remote Sensing Lab (RRSL) at Michigan Technological University (MTU), where his research focuses on the intersection of robotics, remote sensing, and artificial intelligence. His primary interest lies in developing advanced techniques for underwater image enhancement and object detection, aiming to solve critical challenges in marine environments. Leveraging machine learning and computer vision, Dr. Saleem's work enhances the accuracy and reliability of detecting submerged objects and oil spills in oceans, improving environmental monitoring and response strategies.

Building on his extensive experience, including leading multiple UAV-based projects for oil spill detection during his tenure at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, Dr. Saleem now spearheads initiatives to acquire and analyze metadata from UAVs and ROVs. Dr. Saleem has authored/co-authored over 70 publications and has secured funding from several governmental agencies, highlighting his contribution to advancing research in remote sensing and environmental protection.

Research Interests

  • Image Enahancment 
  • UAV-based Remote Sensing 

  • Artificial Intelligence Applications in Remote Sensing

  • Computer Vision and AI

  • Data acquisition and real-time control