Meeting 574 Minutes

The University Senate
of Michigan Technological University 

Minutes of Meeting 574
February 17, 2016

PDF version of Minutes 574

Senate minutes are time-indexed [in square brackets] to the relevant segments of the streaming video of the meeting.

The Senate

  • Jake Guter, Fringe Benefits Committee, presented data comparing Retirement plans and the TRIP program with peer-institutions

  • Proposal 7-16: Proposal 7-16: Amending the Senate Procedure 506.1.1, Evaluation Procedure for Department Chairs and School Deans passed

  • Proposal 12-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Chinese Area Studies passed

  • Proposal 13-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Media passed

  • Proposal 14-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Modern Language passed

  • Proposal 15-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Writing passed

1. Call to order and roll call. [00:00 – 02:58]

President Brian Barkdoll called the University Senate Meeting 574 to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The Senate Secretary Marty Thompson called roll. Absent were representatives of Army/Air Force ROTC, Biomedical Engineering, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics, Social Sciences, Administration, Auxiliaries and Undergraduate Student Government. 

2. Recognition of visitors. Guests included Theresa Coleman-Kaiser (Administration), Renee Ozanich (Human Resources), Bonnie Gorman (Dean of Students Office), Renee Hiller (Benefits Office) and Jackie Huntoon (Provosts Office).

3. Approval of agenda. [02:59 – 03:27]

Clancy moved to approve the agenda. Plummer seconded. The agenda passed unanimously on a voice vote.                                                                                                                                          

4. Approval of minutes from Meeting 573. [03:28 – 04:09]

Kerfoot moved to approve. Clancy seconded. The minutes passed unanimously on a voice vote. 

5. Presentations [04:10 – 28:10]

a. "Retirement Plan Comparison" [04:44 – 21:10]

Jake Guter, Fringe Benefits Committee, [LINK] presented a comparison of Michigan Tech’s retirement plan with Michigan universities and self-determined peer-institutions. Discussion.

b. "Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) Plan Comparison" [21:11 – 28:10]

Jake Guter, Senate Fringe Benefits Committee, [LINK] presented a comparison of Michigan Tech’s TRIP benefit with Michigan universities and self-determined peer-institutions. Discussion. 

6. President’s Report [28:11 – 53:52]

a. Code of Conduct is being developed for the university. The senate can adopt that code or develop its own. 

b. Comments about the Forum on University Finances [LINK and SLIDES]. 

c. Forum on Fringe Benefits will be held on April 5 from 12pm to 3pm in Dow 642. 

d. Survey of the university president is ongoing. 

e. Barkdoll invited Provost Huntoon to discuss the recent memo regarding a set of faculty evaluation questions developed by Michael Meyers, Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Lorelle Meadows, Dean, Honors College and Kellie Raffaelli, Center for Diversity & Inclusion. Discussion. [30:30 - 44:50] 

f. Proposal 3-16: Proposal on Automatic Enrollment in Michigan Tech's Defined Retirement Plan (rejected by administration 01-22-16). Barkdoll read the comments provided by the administration in response.

Waddell moved to postpone action on the proposal until after the next Benefits Liaison Group meeting to give the group a chance to respond to the proposal. Plummer seconded. Discussion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

g. Proposal 20-15: Policy on Michigan Technological University Information Technology Services (rejected by administration 02-27-15). Barkdoll read the comments provided by the administration in response.

Nooshabadi moved to postpone action on the proposal. Froese seconded. Discussion. The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

7. Reports from Senate Standing Committees   [53:53 – 1:00:30]

Academic and Instructional Policy Committee. Plummer said the committee has multiple issues under consideration, including; student evaluations, the academic calendar, learning management system and student absences. It was unanimously decided to not continue working on a proposal to change class times. 

Administrative Policy Committee.  None. 

Curricular Policy Committee. Oliveira listed a series of proposals the committee is working on. 

Elections Committee. None. 

Finance & Institutional Planning Committee. DeWinter said the committee is working on a proposal detailing senate officer compensation. 

Fringe Benefits Committee.  Waddell said the committee is working on a parental leave proposal. 

General Education and Assessment Committee. None. 

Information Technology Committee. None. 

Professional Staff Policy Committee. None. 

Research Policy Committee. Kerfoot commented on the dissolution of the ad hoc library committee and what the goals of library liaisons might be. He said the committee is working on resolving the problems that have arisen due to rising journal costs and how Tech can develop a long-term strategy. 

8. Unfinished Business [1:00:31 – 1:07:08]

a. Proposal 7-16: Amending the Senate Procedure 506.1.1, Evaluation Procedure for Department Chairs and School Deans  

Nooshabadi moved to approve. No discussion. The proposal passed by unanimous vote. 

b. Proposal 12-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Chinese Area Studies, Proposal 13-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Media, Proposal 14-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Modern Language and Proposal 15-16: Proposal to Shelve Certificate Program: Certificate in Writing

Oliveira moved to approve Proposals 12-16, 13-16, 14-16 and 15-16 as a group. No discussion. The proposals passed by unanimous vote.               

9. New Business [1:07:09 – 1:37:40]

a. Proposal 16-16: Proposal for Amendment to Search Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans: Interim Candidate Ineligibility for Permanent Position

Nooshabadi, Administrative Policy Committee, said the focus of this proposal is that Interim Department Chairs and School Deans cannot apply for permanent position, thereby keeping the position as truly interim. The committee recommends rejecting this proposal. Discussion.

b. Motion on Approving the Survey Instrument for the Senate Self-Evaluation

Nooshabadi, Administrative Policy Committee, presented the 2015-2016 University Senate Evaluation. Discussion. Froese raised a point of order. Barkdoll said this is introduced as new business and will be voted on next time.

c. Sense of the Senate Resolution for Supporting Communication in the Gen Ed and Assessment Process

Hungwe, General Education and Assessment Committee, proposes that assessment liaisons be appointed in all academic units that are obligated to participate in the Gen Ed and Assessment process. Discussion. 

10. Public Comments [1:37:41 – 1:53:30]

Waddell read the comments from his constituents about the memo recommending inclusion of specific questions in the student evaluations (see Item 6, President’s Report). There seems to be a lot of confusion about what the Board of Trustees is actually asking for and multiple requests for a clear direction were requested. Huntoon said there was a list of tasks she was given. Discussion. 

11. Adjournment

Froese moved to adjourn. Nooshabadi seconded. President Barkdoll adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.


Respectfully submitted
by Marty Thompson
Secretary of the University Senate