Security and Privacy in Healthcare Certificate

Keeping Us and Our Data Safe

Healthcare privacy is complex, and there is a delicate balance between keeping patient data secure and safely sharing it.  Healthcare organizations are dealing with an alarming and growing number of threats to the security of electronic health records. Breaches, ransomware, and employee data violations have become commonplace.

The software and technologies currently in use to reduce costs and improve quality in healthcare settings contribute positively to the efficient, secure use and mobility of personal healthcare information.

But the importance of safeguarding the personal healthcare information used in these systems, as well as protecting hardware and software systems against disruptions or attacks, cannot be overstated. This is where healthcare security and privacy professionals excel, working to ensure that new and existing technologies and practices are reliable, safe, and secure.

The Security and Privacy in Healthcare Certificate can be completed entirely online.

Program Summary

Health informatics security and privacy professionals merge their knowledge of patient care, medicine, and security and privacy  to:

  • Secure and protect the privacy of health information.
  • Ensure compliance with state and federal healthcare data regulations.
  • Ensure interoperability in the exchange of healthcare data.
  • Ensure healthcare systems are capable of safely and successfully adopting new technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care.

3 Classes, 2 Semesters

This time next year, you'll be asking your employer for a well-deserved promotion or salary raise. The 9-credit Security and Privacy in Healthcare Certificate can be completed over two semesters, and totally online if you wish. 

Required Courses: 9 Credits

Jump-start your healthcare security and privacy knowledge these building-block courses. 

Semester Taken Course Number Course Title Credits
Fall SAT 5283 Information Governance and Risk Management 3
Fall SAT 5816 Digital Forensics 3
Spring SAT 5817 Security Penetration Test & Audit 3

Outlook and Opportunities

  • Mean Entry-Level Salary (Payscale): $63,458
  • Mean Annual Wage (BLS): $124,740
  • Top 10% Salary (BLS): $182,370
  • Job Outlook, 2022-32 (BLS OOH): 32% (Much faster than average)
  • Employment Change, 2022-32 (BLS OOH): 53,200

Figures from, accessed May 2024.

Figures from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), dated May 2023.

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