Proposal 30-20


University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 30-20 (Voting Units: All)

Elimination of Shelved Programs

As the following programs have been shelved for at least 5 years (shelved AY 2014-15 or earlier), it is proposed that the following programs be formally eliminated per senate procedure 414.1.1.

1. List of programs to be eliminated: title (program code) (shelving proposal #):

a. Health and Physical Education – Secondary Ed. Concentration (SEH2) (34-11)

b. BS in Industrial Technology (TINT) (35-11)*

c. Mine Environmental Engineering Certificate (CMEE) (36-11)

d. Design Engineering Certificate (CDE) (37-11)

e. Advanced Certificate in Modern Language and Area Study (CAFR, CAGE, CASP) (4-13)

f. Product Design Minor (EMPD) (4-14)

g. Contemporary Culture Concentration (SCC4) (33-14)

h. Media Concentration (SCC6) (34-14)

i. Language and Diversity Concentration (SCC5) (35-14)

j. Information Systems Concentration (SCS3) (22-15)

k. BS in Computer Systems Science (SCSY) (23-15)*

2. There are no enrolled students

3. Programs have been shelved for a minimum of five (5) years and there is no interest in reviving them.

4. There is no expected financial impact to the university.

* denotes programs that would need to be sent to the state (MASU) for approval.

February 19, 2020