Meeting 586 Minutes

The University Senate
of Michigan Technological University

Minutes of Meeting 586
December 7, 2016

PDF version of Minutes 586

Senate minutes are time-indexed [in square brackets] to the relevant segments of the streaming video of the meeting.


  • No Presentations:
  • Committee Reports:
    a. Research Policy Committee Ad-Hoc Committee Proposal presented by W. Charles Kerfoot, Committee Chair
    b. Information Technology Committee report on recent meetings of the IT Governance Committee by Cayce Will, Committee Chair
  • Proposal 6-17: Proposal to Shelve the Interdisciplinary Minor in Remote Sensing presented by Curricular Policy Committee (Voting Units: Academic)
  1. Call to Order

    President Marty Thompson called the University Senate Meeting 586 to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday December 7, 2016.
  1. Roll Call of Senators and Recognition of Visitors [0:21-2:47]

The Senate Secretary Brian Barkdoll called roll. Absent were senators King, Clancey, Wallace, Hamlin, Wood, Sutter, DeWinter, Tewari, Froese, Christianson, Cai, Schmierer, and Velat with no representatives from Army/Air Force ROTC, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering Fundamentals, Geological Engineering Mining & Sciences, Materials Sciences and Eng., ME-EM, Forest Resources, or Staff Council. Visitors were: Logan Johnson (student), Jean Kampe (Office of the Provost), and Josh Marshall (Computer Science).

  1. Approval of Agenda [2:47-3:18]

 The agenda passed on a voice vote with no discussion or abstention.

  1. Approval of Minutes from Meetings 585 [3:18-3:55]

The minutes passed on a voice vote with no discussion or abstention.

  1. Presentations [3:55-4:00]    


  2. President's Report [4:00-4:56]

President Thompson announced that Froese will step down from his role of GFC liaison and asked for nominations to replace him.

  1. Committee Reports [4:56-32:15]
    1. Research Policy Committee Ad-Hoc Committee Proposal presented by W. Charles Kerfoot, Committee Chair [5:56-18:56]

      Kerfoot presented on the high cost of textbooks, materials and journal articles. He proposed forming an ad hoc Senate committee. Both Passed by voice without abstention.
    2. Fringe Benefits Committee election of representatives to BLG, presented by Jacob Guter, Committee Chair [18:56-21:48]

      Guter mentioned candidates for the Benefits Liaison Group of himself (representing the staff) and Sam Sweitz (representing the faculty). Both nominees passed by voice without abstention. 
    3. Information Technology Committee, Report on Recent Meetings of the IT Governance Committee by Cayce Will Committee Chair [21:48:32:15]

      Will gave history of the committee, recent meeting topics, and the prioritization process. He encouraged Senators to reach out to constituents on their needs and to feed it to the Senate IT Committee. Nooshabadi expressed concern about the lack of support for research computing and suggested forwarding the report to the VP for Research and Provost and invite them to a Senate meeting. Thompson asked that the report be entered in the Senate minutes. 
  2. Unfinished Business [32:15-34:10]
    1. Proposal 6-17: Proposal to Shelve the Interdisciplinary Minor in Remote Sensing presented by Curricular Policy Committee (Voting Units: Academic)

      Hungwe gave summary of the reasons for the shelving and stated that the Senate Curricular Policy Committee is in favor of the shelving. The proposal passed by voice without abstention.
  3. New Business [34:10-34:15] 


  4. Public Comments [34:15-34:20]


  1. Adjournment [34:20]

President Thompson adjourned the meeting at 6:04 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by
Brian Barkdoll
Secretary of the University Senate