Meeting 580 Agenda

The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

PDF version of Agenda 580

TO: Senators, Alternates, and Liaisons
FROM: Martin Thompson, Senate President
DATE: September 1, 2016
SUBJECT: Agenda for University Senate Meeting #580
COPIES: President, Provost, Board of Trustees Secretary, Vice Presidents, Library, Staff Council Chair, Tech Today, Michigan Tech Lode, Michigan Tech Daily Bull

Meeting #580 of the University Senate of Michigan Technological University will convene at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday September 7, 2016 in Room 642 in the DOW Building.

Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of the agenda for this meeting.

Senators who are unable to attend should arrange for their alternates to attend in their place.

Agenda Time
1.  Call to Order  
2.  Roll Call of Senators and Recognition of Visitors 5
3.  Approval of Agenda 2

4.  Approval of Minutes from Meeting 578 and 579

5.  Presentation: none 0
6.  President's Report 15 
7.  Committee Reports 10
8.  Unfinished Business 15

a. Approval of 2016-17 Senate Standing Committee List

9.  New Business 15

a. Approval of Proposed Meeting Dates for 2016-2017


b. >Proposal 11 -16: Amending Senate Procedure 503.1.1: Evaluation Procedure for the President, Approved by the Administration 04-22-16 pending acceptance of editorial changes


c. >>Proposal 29-16: Proposal to Formally Establish Assessment Liaisons in all Units Mandated to Participate in the Assessment Process, Approved by Administration 05-17-16 pending acceptance of editorial changes


d. >Proposal 37-16: Amendments to Final Exam Policy 602.1  disapproved by Administration 05-07-16


10.  Public Comments

11.  Adjournment