Meeting 570 Minutes

The University Senate
of Michigan Technological University

Minutes of Meeting 570
November 18, 2015

PDF version of Minutes 570

Senate minutes are time-indexed [in square brackets] to the relevant segments of the streaming video of the meeting.


The Senate

  • Proposal 3-16: “Proposal on Automatic Enrollment in Michigan Tech's Defined Contribution Retirement Plan” passed

  • Proposal 6-16: “Proposal to Shelve Degree Program: Undergraduate Certificate in International Sustainable Development Engineering” passed

  • Proposal 8-16: “Amending Senate Procedure 507.1.1, Procedure to Enhance Confidentiality and Anonymity in Department Chairs/School Deans Review Surveys and Balloting” passed 

1. Call to order and roll call. [00:00 – 02:10]

President Brian Barkdoll called the University Senate Meeting 570 to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. The Senate Secretary Marty Thompson called roll. Absent were Senators Schmierer and Stancher and representatives of Army/Air Force ROTC, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Fundamentals, Materials Science and Engineering, School of Technology, Student Affairs & Advancement A, Student Affairs & Advancement C and Undergraduate Student Government. 

2. Recognition of visitors. Guests included Theresa Coleman-Kaiser (Administration), Faith Morrison (Chemical Engineering) and Jacqueline Huntoon (Provost’s Office).

3. Approval of agenda. [02:11 – 02:41]

Clancy moved to approve. Wood seconded. The agenda passed unanimously on a voice vote.                                                                                                                                          

4. Approval of minutes from Meeting 569. [02:42 – 03:14]

Wood moved to approve. Plummer seconded. The minutes passed unanimously on a voice vote. 

5. President’s Report [03:15 – 14:28]

President Brian Barkdoll spoke with the president of the Board of Trustees to discuss the board’s vision for the university president search process. A senator is looking into the Michigan Open Meetings Act, Senate policy 801.1 and other legal issues relevant to the search. It was noted that a failure to follow the Michigan Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act can result in fines of up to $500,000. Discussion. 

Seeking a staff senator-at-large. 

Discussion continued on moving senate meeting times. 

Met with Graduate Student Government to discuss their issues of concern. 

Discussion on enhancing the awareness of senate activities. 

Request to link policies and procedures on the senate website. Waddell said that is already in place and demonstrated the site features. Procedures link back to the proposals that led to it. Discussion. 

6. Reports from Senate Standing Committees   [14:29 – 17:48]

Academic and Instructional Policy Committee. Working with Center for Teaching and Learning to develop and document assessment data and standards through Canvas. 

Administrative Policy Committee. Working on a proposal to define university-wide committees. 

Curricular Policy Committee. Working on two degree proposals. 

Elections Committee. None. 

Finance & Institutional Planning Committee. Various proposals are being reviewed for financial impact. 

Fringe Benefits Committee. Met with Benefits Office to discuss proposals relating to healthcare. Waddell commented on policy changes including, changes in notification time when benefits change and the ability of the senate to devise and submit questions to Aon/Hewitt (consultants). Renee suggested the Fringe Benefits Committee attend a committee meeting with the consultants. 

General Education and Assessment Committee. None. 

Information Technology Committee.  None. 

Professional Staff Policy Committee.  None. 

Research Policy Committee. None. 

7. Unfinished Business [17:49 – 37:45]

a. Proposal 3-16: Proposal on Automatic Enrollment in Michigan Tech's Defined Contribution Retirement Plan  

This proposal comes from the Fringe Benefits and Finance & Institutional Planning Committees and is a revision of Proposal 41-15 passed last year. Waddell noted studies indicate participation rates for retirement plans increase when it is set up as opt-out rather than opt-in. Michigan law was recently changed to permit this feature and permits plan changes at any time. The proposal also describes a retirement education plan.

Waddell moved to approve the proposal. Discussion.

The proposal passed by unanimous vote.

b. Proposal 6-16: Proposal to Shelve Degree Program: Undergraduate Certificate in International Sustainable Development Engineering

Oliveira moved to approve the proposal. Discussion.

The proposal passed by unanimous vote.

c. Proposal 8-16: Amending Senate Procedure 507.1.1, Procedure to Enhance Confidentiality and Anonymity in Department Chairs/School Deans Review Surveys and Balloting

This proposal comes from the Administrative Policy Committee (APC). Nooshabadi said the proposal charges the APC with ensuring and enhancing the confidentiality of the presidential evaluation survey.

Nooshabadi moved to approve the proposal. Discussion.

The proposal passed by unanimous vote. 

8. New Business [37:46 – 1:09:15]

a. Proposal 7-16: Amending the Senate Procedure 506.1.1, Evaluation Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans

This revised proposal comes from the Administrative Policy Committee. Nooshabadi discussed revisions, which include; when evaluations occur, professional behavior, types of survey questions, confidentiality and expediency of the process. Discussion. 

9. Public Comments  

10. Adjournment

President Barkdoll adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m.


Respectfully submitted
by Marty Thompson
Secretary of the University Senate