Meeting 535 Agenda

The University Senate of Michigan Technological University

TO: Senators, Alternates, and Liaisons
FROM: Judi Smigowski, Senate Assistant
DATE: September 11, 2013
SUBJECT: Agenda for University Senate Meeting #535
COPIES: President, Provost, Board of Control, Vice Presidents, Library Reserve, Staff Council Chair, Tech Today, MTU Lode, MTU Daily Bull

Meeting #535 of the University Senate of Michigan Technological University will convene at 5:30pm Wednesday September 11, 2013 in Room B45 in the EERC Building. 

Senators are responsible for making their constituents aware of this meeting’s agenda. If neither the Senator nor the Alternate can attend they should send a substitute.

1)  Roll Call of Senators and Recognition of Visitors 5
2)  Approval of Agenda 1
3)  Approval of Minutes from Meeting #533 and Meeting #534 1
4) Presentation: “Current Issues at Michigan Tech” by Provost Max Seel 15
5)  Presentation:  “Assessment Summary”  by Associate Provost Christa Walck 15

6)  Reports

a.  President’s Report

b.  Committee Reports



7)  Old Business:  

a. Proposal 25-13: “Proposal to Amend Senate Policy 701.1” presented by Senate Executive Committee  (Voting Units:  Academic)


 b.  Proposal 26-13:  “Blended Learning Policy”  (Revised Proposal)  presented by Academic Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Academic)


8)  New Business:


a.  Approval of Proposed Senate Meeting Dates for 2013-2014”


b.  Approval of “Senate Standing Committees for 2013-2014”  


c.  Change to Ombudsman Policy 210.1


d.  Proposal 2-14: “Proposal to Modify Senate Procedure 506.1.1; Evaluation Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans”  presented by Administrative Policy Committee  (Voting Units:  Full Senate)


9)  Adjournment