Employee Training

Search Committee Training

Online training is required for all faculty and staff who wish to be eligible to sit on a search committee. These requirements are in place to ensure that appropriate processes, policies and procedures are at the forefront when search committee members complete their important work.

The overarching requirements are:

  • Members of a faculty search committee complete Diversity Literacy Online Workshop (DLOW). Please visit the DLOW web page for information on workshop dates, registration, and content.
    • In addition, an online "Legal Aspects Review for Search Committees" Canvas course is required each time someone serves on a search committee, but not more than once per year, and not if they have completed the DLOW requirement within that year. This training will be assigned upon joining a search committee.
  • Members of a staff search committee complete the Staff Search Committee Training.
    • In addition, an online "Best Practices for Staff Hiring Committees" Canvas course is required each time someone serves on a search committee, but not more than once per year. Training will be assigned upon joining a search committee.

Facilitating Difficult Conversations

Having difficult conversations can be a daunting task. These conversations are often avoided, but this only causes problems to continue. Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX offers workshop options for Facilitating Difficult Conversations. Varying in length, the workshops address how to facilitate difficult conversations and offer tips and guidance on how to handle them professionally and with care. If you would like to participate in this workshop, please contact Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX for more information.

If an in-person workshop is not ideal, please view a condensed version of the Difficult Conversations workshop below.

Title IX Training and Workshops

In an effort to reduce the risk of gender discrimination, and sexual misconduct such as sexual harassment and sexual violence, including the crimes of rape, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence occurring among students and employees, Michigan Tech utilizes a range of campaigns, strategies, and initiatives to promote awareness, education, risk reduction, and prevention programming and training. For more information, visit Title IX Awareness and Training.

  • A training course called "Bridges: Taking Action" is assigned to employees annually in Fall Semester. This course provides ongoing education addressing how to identify and report different types of sexual misconduct committed against students, ways to prevent sexual violence and maintaining a safe campus community.

Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Training for Employees

There is a close eye on how universities respond to sexual harassment and sexual violence that occurs within their educational programs and employment, so all Michigan Tech employees must complete training requirements. This training will ensure that you are up to date on the recent changes, reporting, and responding appropriately.

Michigan Tech has contracted with Vector, a digital learning platform, for new employee and annual employee training. There are many other courses also available for employees through this system, such as:

  • Harassment and Discrimination Prevention – Raises awareness of protected characteristics to promote a harassment and discrimination free workplace.
  • Building a Supportive Community - Trains employees how to recognize, report and prevent sexual misconduct against students.

New Employee Training

Once an new employee has attended orientation (usually on the first day of work) Equal Opportunity and Title IX will assign the course titled "Preventing Harassment and Discrimination." This course prepares employees to cultivate and maintain a workplace culture resistant to discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Employees will be equipped with the information and skills that promote intervention, empathy, and allyship. This course also includes a section specific to requirements under Title IX and the Clery Act. A link to the course will be sent to the employee's Michigan Tech email address and completion of the course is due 45 days from the assignment date.

Short-term/Casual/Seasonal (Temporary) Employee Training

Temporary employees also have a responsibility to create a welcoming environment and a harassment free campus. In order to train this population on expectations, EOC will email information regarding the Employee Code of Conduct, EOC Complaint Procedures, and Title IX to temporary employees.

Please email eoctraining@mtu.edu with any questions regarding training programs or requirements.