Proposal 62-21


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 62-21

Proposal for the Creation of an Ad-Hoc Committee to Draft a Senate Handbook

(Voting Units: All)

Submitted by: The Senate Executive Committee

I. Introduction
In recent years, it has become apparent that new Senators are often unfamiliar with the function of the Senate and its processes and procedures. The creation of a Senate handbook will be a way to introduce new members to the workings and practices of the Senate.

II. Rationale/Charge
Recognizing that new Senate members are often unfamiliar with the functions of the Senate; it is proposed that a handbook would help initiate Senators and Alternates into their new roles. The handbook will include, but is not limited to the following, an outline of general Senate meeting processes, best practices concerning expectations for communication/participation on the part of Senators and Alternates, and a general description of duties for each standing committee. The handbook will also provide information on proposal and resolution writing to help standardize these processes. In addition, the ad hoc committee will work to identify further types of information for inclusion in the handbook.

III. Proposal
The University Senate will constitute an ad hoc committee, The Committee to Create a University Senate Handbook, which will commence work immediately upon approval. The ad hoc committee will be comprised of volunteers from among the list of current Senators and Alternates. The committee will prepare a draft handbook as a Senate proposal for the first meeting of the 2021-2022 Senate Term. The ad hoc committee will be disbanded upon review and final passage of a proposed Senate Handbook.

March 24, 2021