Proposal 34-21


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 34-21

Departmental Charter for Chemical Engineering


Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University

Mission Statement
The Department of Chemical Engineering will provide the State of Michigan, the nation and the world with world-class undergraduate and graduate education in support of workforce needs; research leading to the creation of knowledge and economic opportunities; outreach that fosters education and careers in engineering and applied science; and technical leadership and support to industry and government for the betterment of the society.

1. Voting and Governance
1.a. Voting Members
Voting members are defined as all faculty and staff. Faculty are tenured, tenure-track (TT), and non-tenure-track (NTT) instructional personnel (Assistant/Associate/Full Professors, Instructors, Lecturers, and Professors of Practice), in the Chemical Engineering Department. Staff are the regular and permanent, professional, technical, and clerical members of the department. The department chair is a full voting member on all issues except chair evaluation and reappointment. Faculty who transfer into administrative positions within the university would be eligible to vote if they remain active in the department as evidenced by at least two of the three activities: (i) teaching CM courses, (ii) supervising CM graduate research, and/or (iii) serving on departmental committee(s). At least 50% of the voting members must participate in a departmental meeting to conduct a binding vote. In the event of a tie after voting, the department chair will decide the proposal’s outcome. Research faculty members with official appointments and Emeritus/Emerita faculty are welcome to participate in faculty meetings and discussions but may not vote. Post-doctoral researchers, adjunct faculty, and visiting scholars are not included in department governance. The issues will be voted on as below:
Administrative & Governance – all voting members
Academic, Assessment, Curriculum – all faculty (tenured, TT, NTT)
Chair Search and Evaluation – All voting members
Faculty Search - all faculty (tenured, TT, NTT)
1.b. Amendment of the Charter
Any voting member of the department may propose amendments to the charter. Proposed amendments will be circulated to the voting members at least ten days before the meeting at which they will be discussed and voted. The department can approve amendments by a 2/3 majority of the voting members.
1.c. Updating Charter to Assure Compliance
An ad hoc charter committee will be formed at a minimum of every five years, to review the university-approved charter. This review will determine whether amendments are needed to update the charter and ensure compliance with university policies. Any necessary amendments will be proposed by the charter committee for a vote in accordance with section 1.b.
1.d. Conflict with University Policies
In any event in which these precepts are in conflict with University policies and procedures, the University policies and procedures shall take precedence.
1.e. Operating Procedures Appendix
An Operating Procedures Appendix will be provided as a separate document, and is not considered a part of the university-approved charter. It does not require external approval, and may be modified by a simple majority vote of the voting members of the department.

2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Department Chair
2.a. Unit Constituency and Governance
The unit constituency consists of the voting members as defined in Section 1.a. The department chair has the primary responsibility for operating the department in an efficient manner and is responsible for guidance in faculty development and promotion. This includes day-to-day operations and policy implementation. The department chair should demonstrate leadership and represent the faculty to the administration. The chair should also maintain departmental relationships with alumni and industry, and will take an active role in fund-raising. Except where explicitly stated otherwise in this document, votes made by the department and decisions made by committees are advisory to the department chair. In the event that any of the committees described in this charter do not perform their functions, the department chair may temporarily execute those functions until a new committee is reconstituted.
2.b. Selection of Chair
The chair will be selected in accordance with the policies set forth in University Senate Policies and Procedures 805.1.1 Search Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans [1]. All department chair searches will be open to both external and internal candidates. The voting membership for chair selections is as defined in Section 1.a, with the faculty votes and the staff votes reported separately. The Search Committee will solicit input and recommendation from representatives of the undergraduate and graduate students.
2.c. Evaluation of Chair
Evaluation of the chair will be carried out by an Evaluation Committee according to the schedule and procedures laid out in Policy 506.1.1. Evaluation Procedure for Department Chairs and School Deans [2]. The Evaluation Committee will consist of the three faculty members on the executive committee (minus the department chair), plus an external member as specified in Policy 506.1.1. The Evaluation Committee will solicit input to its report and recommendation from representatives of the undergraduate and graduate students.
2.d Evaluation of Teaching
The chair will ensure that teaching is evaluated in accordance with Board of Trustees policy, as described in the Faculty Handbook [3]. Teaching evaluation will consist of student evaluations (50% maximum); evaluations by self, peers, or colleagues as approved by the faculty.
2.e Compensation and Workload
Salaries, wages, and distribution of merit pay are the responsibility of the chair. Each year, the chair will present to the faculty the process and criteria to be used to determine salary raises. The chair, in consultation with the executive committee, determines workload, including teaching and committee assignments and other university and departmental responsibilities.

3. Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Procedures and Guidelines
3.a. Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment (TPR) Committee
The departmental TPR committee will be selected and organized as described in the Operating Procedures Appendix.
3.b. Promotion and Tenure Procedures:
Promotion and Tenure procedures are specified in the Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Handbook, Appendix I. Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Procedures [6]. Each academic year, the department chair will request that:
1. All non‐tenured tenure-track faculty update their Digital Measures information. The Faculty Activity Report (FAR) will be generated electronically using the data in the digital measures and used by the Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment (TPR) Committee.
2. Any tenured faculty wishing to be considered for promotion update their Digital Measures.
3. All promotion/tenure candidates submit a list of five professional and academic references with their qualifications specified by University policy

After reviewing the paperwork, the TPR committee meets with all untenured tenure‐track faculty members individually to review their progress toward tenure. The TPR committee then prepares a written report on each case to the department chair.
For tenure and/or promotion cases, a list of at least four references is prepared by the TPR committee. This list will include at least two references from the list of five references provided by the candidate, and two from a separate list prepared by the TPR committee. The references on both the candidate’s list and the committee’s list are then contacted to ask their willingness to serve as a referee. Dossiers are sent to those that agree, following university and college procedures[6]. The committee will contact additional persons from the reference list until at least two references from the candidate’s list and two from the committee’s list agree to provide letters of reference. All of the letters received will be included in the candidate’s application package, even if more than four letters are received. After the letters are received, the TPR committee will follow the procedures outlined in the Faculty Handbook.
3.c. Reappointment to current rank:
It is imperative that the faculty member be on a trajectory toward tenure and be advised of the member’s situation annually by both the TPR committee and the department chair.
3.d. Promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor with Tenure:
The underlying criterion for this category is “Sufficient promise of long term performance” and “significant progress toward becoming nationally known by his/her peers”. This requires a blend of performance in teaching, research, and service.
3.d.1. Research: The research activity should be such that it can be reasonably extrapolated to continual research throughout the faculty member’s career, as evidenced by: a) Research funding ; b) Publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings; c) Research presentations at national and international conferences; d) Successful guidance of M.S. and Ph.D. candidates towards achieving their degrees; and e) Mentorship of undergraduate/Enterprise researchers.
3.d.2. Teaching: A successful candidate will demonstrate teaching activity that, as a minimum, can be ranked as effective and competent, based on the department’s teaching evaluation policy.
3.d.3. Service: A successful candidate will demonstrate professional service within and outside the university. Involvement in state, regional, national, and international groups, demonstrating that the individual is held in high regard by his or her peers, will be considered.
3.e. Promotion from Associate to Full Professor:
The underlying criterion includes sufficient evidence of scholarly achievements and professional recognition. This requires continuing effective and competent performance in teaching, research, and service. There should be a continuing output of publications, with a significant number of journal publications and a well-funded research program supporting graduate students. In addition, a successful candidate will have national or international recognition evidenced by leadership and service in professional society activities, conferences, journals, etc. Exceptional achievements such as research awards, teaching awards, and patents will receive significant weight.
3.f. New Hires
3.f.1. Non-Tenure-Track Faculty
Appointment of non-tenure-track faculty is defined in Senate Policy 701.2 [7]. The executive committee, or a committee designated by the executive committee, will serve as the search committee for these positions. Positions that are initially supported by funding sources other than the General Fund or departmental funds, will not automatically become the responsibility of the Chemical Engineering department if their original funding source runs out.
3.f.2. Tenure -Track Faculty
The decision to hire a new faculty member, as defined in Senate Policy 701.1 [8], will be initiated by the department chair in consultation with the executive committee and the Dean of the College of Engineering. Following the necessary approvals, an ad hoc search committee will be elected by the faculty. The search committee, in consultation with the department chair, will perform the search. The search will begin with advertising of the open position in appropriate national and regional publications. The applications will be reviewed by the search committee, and the top candidates will be invited for campus interviews. The search committee will solicit feedback from all those involved in the interview visit, and conduct a faculty vote to make hiring recommendations to the department chair. The department chair will obtain final approval from the university administration to make an offer and will perform the necessary negotiations with the candidate.

4. Non-academic Professional Staff
Staff includes the regular and permanent, professional, technical, and clerical members. Staff also will participate in the evaluation of the chair. Professional staff will elect one representative to serve as a member of the executive committee as specified in Section 8.a.1. Research faculty members with official appointments are welcome to participate and discuss in faculty meetings but may not vote. Post-doctoral researchers and visiting scholars, and student employees are not included in any department governance.

5. Sabbatical Leave Recommendations
A faculty member wishing to take a sabbatical must apply for the sabbatical in compliance with the procedures described in Appendix E of the Michigan Tech Faculty Handbook [4]. Departmental approval for sabbatical leave must be obtained from the department chair.

6. Professor Emeritus/Emerita Recommendations
Retired faculty members (Tenured and non-TT) are eligible to be considered for the rank of 'Professor Emeritus/Emerita'. All active faculty (Tenured and TT-track/non-TT) may participate in the selection and evaluation. The retired faculty must be nominated (and seconded) by the ChE faculty. A discussion and secret ballot vote of all faculty (including the Chair) is conducted. If supported by a majority of the faculty, the Chair would forward the nomination to the Dean’s Office for final consideration (Faculty Handbook section 1.5.4).

7. Grievance Procedure
All grievances will be filed with the dean who will forward copies to the chair and members of the executive committee. The chair and executive committee, excluding any who may be subjects of the grievance, shall select three faculty members to serve as an ad hoc grievance committee. This committee will then act in accordance with the current Faculty Grievance Policy and Procedures as adopted by the senate, as described in the Faculty Handbook, Appendix C [5].

8. Other Policies and Practices
8.a. Committees and Coordinators
Governance of the Department of Chemical Engineering is the responsibility of the department chair, in consultation with the executive committee and the faculty and staff. Standing committees and ad hoc committees will be defined in the Operating Procedures Appendix
8.a.1. Executive Committee
The executive committee consists of three faculty members and a staff member, who act in an advisory capacity to the department chair. The faculty and staff members will be elected through voting as defined in Section 1.a. Each spring, the department chair will call an election for the executive committee for the next academic year, with the new executive committee going into effect at the beginning of the fall semester. The previous executive committee will serve through the summer if necessary. Only those faculty members willing and able to serve on the executive committee will have their names on the ballot. In the event of ties, run-off elections will be held as needed. The newly elected executive committee shall elect one of the three faculty members as chair at its first meeting. The executive committee chair must be tenured and will serve as acting department chair in the short-term absence of the department chair. In the event that a member leaves the committee, a replacement will be elected by the appropriate constituency, within two weeks of the start of the vacancy. The executive committee considers all matters (including financial) pertaining to the department and will advise the department chair on fund-raising initiatives. This committee (minus the department chair) will be responsible for initiating the evaluation of the department chair and for maintaining the questionnaire used in that evaluation.

[1] University Senate Procedures 805.1.1, “Search Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans”, 
[2] University Senate Policy 506.1.1, “Evaluation Procedures for Department Chairs and School Deans”, 
[3] Teaching Evaluation Policy, Michigan Tech Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Handbook, http// 
[4] Appendix E. Sabbatical Leave Procedures, Michigan Tech Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Handbook, 
[5] Appendix C. Grievance Procedures, Michigan tech Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Handbook, 
[6] Appendix I. Michigan tech Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Procedures, 
[7] University Senate Policy 701.2, “Non Tenure-Track Faculty Appointments”, 
[8] University Senate Policy 701.1, “Faculty Academic Appointments”, 

Appendix – Operating Procedures
In consultation with the executive committee, the Chair shall appoint faculty to serve on the various committees. Each faculty member is expected to be an active participant on one or more standing committees, or an equivalent assignment. Except for the executive committee, the department chair is not eligible for membership on any standing committee, except in an ex officio role. Preferences, work load, balancing of academic ranks, and the needs of the department will be considered by the executive committee, which will forward committee assignments to the faculty and staff before the start of the next academic year. Objections to committee assignments may be submitted in writing to the executive committee, which shall have final authority to resolve such disputes. Normally, the department as a whole will review the membership and major responsibilities of each standing committee at the annual Department Retreat to be held in August. For each standing committee, the executive committee shall designate the member who will call the first meeting of the committee. At that meeting the committee will elect its own chair. Except for the executive committee, in the event that a committee member cannot fulfill the duties of office, the department chair may appoint a replacement committee member to fulfill the remainder of the term of office of that committee member.

Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment (TPR) Committee and CM Representative to the College of Engineering TPR Committee
The CM TPR committee makes recommendations to the department on issues related to promotion, tenure, and re-appointment. This committee will consist of three tenured faculty members in the department. If possible, the chair of the committee should be a full professor. The TPR committee, in consultation with the department chair, will review annually the activities and accomplishments of untenured faculty. The TPR committee will provide written feedback to all faculty members who are reviewed, indicating any actions that need to be taken by the faculty member in order to obtain a favorable recommendation from the TPR committee at the time of reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure.
A tenured faculty member who is not a member of the department TPR committee will be selected by the department chair as the departmental representative on the college of engineering TPR committee. This selection will be carried out as part of the committee assignment process.

Computer Committee
The computer committee will conduct continuing reviews of the department's computing needs and will make appropriate recommendations on computing issues to the department chair. This committee will consist of two faculty members and a staff representative. The computer committee may also elect to have student representation.

Curriculum Committee
This committee reviews and makes recommendations on courses, curricula, and academic specialty programs affecting the department. The curriculum committee considers all matters related to the undergraduate requirements including review of curriculum content with respect to accreditation requirements, prerequisite/corequisite requirements, new courses/options, and all other matters which affect the curriculum. Policy related to these issues is also addressed by this committee. It is recommended that the curriculum committee will meet jointly with the assessment committee twice annually, in the fall and spring semesters. This committee will consist of at least two faculty members, and the undergraduate academic advisor.

Graduate Committee
The graduate committee reviews and ensures graduate program quality and makes recommendations to the faculty on policy related to graduate students and graduate programs. This committee recruits and tracks applications to the department’s graduate programs and is responsible for graduate admissions and assessment. It rates applicants for departmental fellowships and assistantships and makes recommendations to the department chair. This committee is responsible for coordinating fall graduate student orientation. It also is responsible for administering the doctoral qualifying examinations and making recommendations to the departmental graduate faculty on passage or failure of students on the qualifying exams. This committee will consist of three graduate faculty members.

Safety Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing and auditing the safety program in the department and making recommendations to the faculty on safety policies. Specific safety-related duties include the following:

  • Reviewing and updating the department’s safety and waste disposal manuals annually;
  • Supervising the annual laboratory safety inspections of both teaching and research laboratories;
  • Recommending to the department chair remediation actions for any hazards that might exist or arise in the department. The committee may recommend to the department chair that any facility be shut or locked until a hazard is corrected.
  • Recommending, offering, and maintaining records of safety training for all affected employees of the department.

Under the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MiOSHA) the department is required to have a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP). The department's safety manual serves as the CHP and defines the position of Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO). The CHO is appointed by the Department Chair upon recommendation by the Safety Committee. The committee shares with affected employees and students responsibility to ensure that the CHP is working.

The undergraduate assessment committee will serve as stewards of the department’s assessment program. The committee is responsible for gathering assessment data, supervising any assessment exams or surveys, reporting on assessment results to the department, and suggesting changes in the department’s assessment tools. The undergraduate assessment committee will work closely with the curriculum committee; it is recommended that these committees meet jointly twice annually, in the fall and spring semesters. The undergraduate assessment committee is responsible for assessment issues related to accreditation, including collecting assessment materials in preparation for site visits of assessing organization(s) and coordinating the preparation of the department's assessment report. This committee will consist of three faculty members, and the undergraduate academic advisor may serve in an advisory capacity.

Ad Hoc Committees
It will be necessary at times to create/appoint ad hoc committees to perform relatively short-term tasks. Ad hoc committees normally should not be in existence for more than one year. These committees may consist of both faculty and staff members, depending on the function of the committee. Ad hoc committees will be created by the department chair, who may not be a voting member of the committee. The department chair or his/her representative may convene the first meeting of the committee and present the committee with its charge.
The CM grievance committee is a special ad hoc committee whose composition and function is described in Section 7: Grievance Procedure.

8.c. Coordinators
Coordinator positions are created to assist the chair in specific duties as the need arises. These positions are created by the executive committee working with the department chair. Faculty members filling coordinator positions serve at the pleasure of the department chair.

November 2, 2020