Proposal 54-20


The University Senate of Michigan Technological University
Proposal 54-20

"EMERGENCY PROPOSAL: Amendment to Graduate Good Academic Standing and Dismissal (Senate Policy 416.1)"

Will Cantrell, on behalf of the Graduate School, presented by: Academic and Instructional Policy Committee

The Graduate School recognizes the additional stressors that graduate students are under due to disruptions caused by COVID-19 are many and are strong contributors to their ability to maintain or return to good academic standing in spring 2020. Graduate students have the additional stresses of performing research, teaching online classes, balancing full-time jobs, caring for children, and caring for families across the world. To alleviate this stress, the Graduate School proposes to implement a stop on processes to place students on probation and suspension following spring 2020. This policy affects only academic standing and dismissal proceedings for spring 2020. This policy has been reviewed by, and has the support of, the academic deans.

It is proposed to adopt the policy as described.

Recommended text
Graduate students who are on probation after fall 2019 or who have been reinstated for spring 2020 following a suspension can return to good standing after spring 2020 if they satisfy the conditions of good standing as defined by Senate Policy 416.1.

Graduate students who are on probation after fall 2019 will not be suspended if they do not return to good standing in spring 2020 as defined by Senate Policy 416.1. These students will remain on probation for their next semester of registration.

Graduate students who are in good standing after fall 2019 will not be placed on probation if they do not meet the standards for good standing as defined by Senate Policy 416.1. These students will remain in good standing for their next semester of registration.

Graduate students who began at Michigan Tech in spring 2020 do not have an academic standing. These students will be in good standing after spring 2020 regardless of whether they meet the standards for good standing as defined by Senate Policy 416.1.

Students who were reinstated for spring 2020 following a suspension who do not return to good standing will have their academic records reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Graduate School in consultation with their graduate program director and advisor. Graduate programs may recommend dismissal if it is determined that the disruptions caused by COVID-19 did not contribute to their academic performance.

Current policy
Students who fail to maintain good academic standing will be subject to sanctions. See Senate Policy 416.1 for all policy requirements and restrictions.

April 8, 2020